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break us. It can make us rich or make us poor. It can be the key to our success

or drive us in the other direction.

For many people, it ends up being both.


The funny thing is, no matter how much you chase certainty, you’ll never

really be able to hold it or retain it. That’s because it doesn’t exist. The

universe will always send us little reminders of its chaos and power, and no

one is exempt from the prompting.

Nothing is certain. You could go to sleep tonight and never wake up. You

could get in your car and never make it to work. Certainty is a complete

illusion. Voodoo.

Some of you might find this terrible to think about, but it’s true. No matter

how hard we may try, we can never predict exactly what life will bring. Our

plans will falter at some point eventually.

By running from uncertainty in search of certainty, we’re actually rejecting

the one thing in life that is guaranteed in favor of something that’s nothing

more than a fantasy.

“All I know,” Socrates once said, “is that I know nothing.” Many wise

people understand this. In fact, they owe their wisdom to that very realization

– that they don’t actually know a damn thing.

Because when we think we know everything, we inadvertently turn ourselves

away from the unknown and, by default, whole new realms of success. The

person who accepts how unpredictable and uncertain life is has no choice but

to embrace it.

They’re not afraid of the uncertain; It’s just a part of life. They don’t seek out

certainty because they know it doesn’t really exist. They are also the kind of

people who are aware of and open to the real magic and miracles of life and

what can be accomplished.

One of the pillars of philosophy is the examination of how we know what we

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