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there are your hidden expectations. Do the work here until you fully uncover

the expectations you had inadvertently set yourself up for.

Good, now look again. In what way does how you feel about this make a

difference to your reality? Does it make it any better? Does it solve your

issue? Hell no, it makes no positive difference whatso-freakin-ever! It even

makes it WORSE!

Your problems don’t derail you, your hidden expectations do!

The point here is that the “expectation” of how life should be doesn’t do you

any good. You’re actually more winded by the whack your expectations took

than the situation itself and that’s the deal with expectations, they blow things

out of proportion and dilute your power to deal with issues effectively and

powerfully. Listen, it’s not like I’m saying something radically new here, the

notion of “letting go” of expectations has been around for thousands of years

although in our culture (that of the West), it’s a practice very few engage in.

Here’s the coaching – CUT IT OUT! Let go of those expectations NOW!

It’s much more powerful to come to terms with life’s unpredictability and to

engage with your circumstances for what they actually are than get bogged

down by your refusal to let go of unnecessary or unproductive expectations.

The world revolves around change. Birth and death, growth and destruction,

rise and fall, summer and winter. It’s never the same from one day to another

no matter how much it might seem that it is.

“No man ever steps in the same river twice...”

- Heraclitus

Our minds would love to predict and plan for everything that’s going to

happen. But it’s simply not possible. And these expectations not only have a

negative effect on our emotional state, they actually leave us less powerful

than we really could be.

It’s so much more effective to simply take things as they present themselves,

to live in the moment (like there’s another moment you could live in), and

solve issues and items as they arise, than to constantly expect.

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