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through uncharted territory, it’s all discovery and exploration. You are

blazing a trail, not following one.

When you find yourself in that situation, all you can do is focus on and deal

with what’s directly in front of you. You just put one foot in front of the

other, taking things on as they present themselves.

Even Arnold, who had a big, grand vision, ultimately achieved it by taking

one step at a time.

He’d go to the gym and start working his biceps. He’d focus on each

movement, each rise and fall of the dumbbell, rep after rep after rep, feeling

his muscles flex and tear and grow.

Then when he was done with biceps, he’d move on to shoulders. And then

back. And then glutes. And then quads. And then calves.

As he worked each respective muscle group, he gave it his full attention. And

then it was on to the next one, moment by moment by moment.

When he had worked each muscle, each body part, to exhaustion, he went

home. But there he was the next day, doing it all over again. Relentlessly.

Look more recently at people like Malala Yousafzai who stands for the rights

of women and children in Afghanistan or Michael Phelps and his record

breaking athletic accomplishments or Jessica Cox, born without arms and

currently flying commercial airlines.

Are you getting the picture here?

The key to becoming relentless is to focus on the problem in front of you.

Give it your full attention. Become someone who progresses even when all

seems lost. The answer is always out there; all you need to do is find it.

Then you can move forward to your next obstacle. And you give that obstacle

your full attention until it’s taken care of. Then there’s the next and the next

and the next.

By doing this, you never have to wonder where you’re going. You’re not

worried about how many miles you have left to walk. You become someone

who loves obstacles rather than avoids them because obstacles are your keys

to success and growth. You simply take one step at a time.

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