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fundamentally change your life and lose that weight for good, that

somewhere in there you are ok with living this way. I mean, come on, you

must be or you would have changed it by now! At some level you must have

some tolerance to having your life turn out like this.

That’s actually okay. Getting straight with yourself about having made the

decision to stay where you are can be just as powerful as the decision to

move. Why? Because sometimes recognizing that you willingly put yourself

in a place where you are unhappy is often all the impetus required to make an

opening for real and lasting change. This has to be done without blaming

yourself and turning yourself into a victim of some internal blip or character

“flaw”. In the moment you realize you have cognitively and systematically

put yourself here, guess what? That’s right, you can cognitively and

systematically get yourself out! This is also the foundation of granting

yourself the grace of acceptance, of embracing what has been and daring

yourself to reach for an unimaginable future.

“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the

things which he has not, but rejoices for those which

he has”

- Epictetus

By stating and facing your unwillingness to change, you can take stock of

yourself and your life and begin to create a sliver of light for you to at least

start. The secret is, once you’ve separated the task (or whatever it is you are

dealing with), from the drama of the past, you may find yourself more open

to tackling it. You’ll be able to get past the emotional swirl and straight to the

heart of the issue itself.



Some goals simply aren’t connected to our reality. Don’t get me wrong, I am

all for reaching for the stars and striving for things that seem impossible. For

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