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own desires, perceptions, and feelings. While you’re thinking one thing,

they’re more than likely thinking something completely different. That thing

that’s got you feeling pissed may not have even registered on their radar.

They could be completely oblivious to what’s going on with you.

Instead of silently expecting something and feeling slighted when it doesn’t

happen, let go of that expectation. If there’s something you want, how about

asking for it with no expectation? And when you do something positive or

generous, do it because you genuinely want to rather than loading in the

added weight of what you expect in return.

That game of tit for tat only hurts you both in the long run.

If it’s something serious that consistently challenges the relationship,

confront the other party about it. Don’t expect them to realize how you feel

or, by the same token, expect them to be able to change how you feel. They

can’t. Only you can do that.

People are always going to lie, steal, cheat, and everything else one can

imagine. It’s just not connected to reality to live in the expectation that they

somehow won’t and then throw a hissy fit when they do it anyway.

Remember, in those cases, you always end up worse off than they do! Much


You end up sticking yourself with resentment, regret, anger or frustration.

Remember, they’re not doing that to you, you’re doing that part to yourself!

You really can accept things for what they are. It doesn’t mean you condone

them or that you won’t decisively change them, this is about becoming

masterful with your mind and your emotional state. It’s about quieting the

mind and allowing yourself to act with power in the situations of your life

rather than succumbing to your internal and external upsets.


None of this means you can’t plan, or that I’m telling you to walk through

life aimlessly without direction

or goals.

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