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At this point, when you don’t know whether you’re up or down, how far you

have to go or how far you’ve come, there’s only one thing that can keep you


That thing is relentlessness. The momentum to keep moving and moving and

moving, no matter what happens.

It doesn’t matter if we’re “feeling it”, it doesn’t matter if we’re gripped by

doubt and worry.

Here’s the deal, true relentlessness comes when the only thing you have left

is relentlessness. When it seems all is lost and all hope and evidence for

success has long since vanished, relentlessness is the fuel that drives you



The most successful among us got to where they are today because they

transcended obstacles.

But that’s easier said than done. It’s one thing to say “never give up” (I

fucking hate bumper sticker-slogans), but quite another to actually put

relentlessness into your life’s most worthy causes.

Listen, when it comes down to it, the world doesn’t stop you from

succeeding; you’re not that big of a deal. The universe is neither conspiring

for nor against you, and the only thing that stops you is when you buy into

the notion that you are stopped. Then, my friend, you really are stopped.

Until then, it’s on like freaking Donkey Kong.

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to

entertain a thought without accepting it.”

- Aristotle

Think about all of the things that have been accomplished in human history

that were once considered “impossible”. If you told someone from the 1850’s

that you could fly from California to China in a hollow metal tube filled with

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