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and contorting and blurring our lives and our potential.

Our minds often have an unrealistic perception of the world, peppered with

interpretation, misunderstanding, automatic behaviors and opinions, and

cultural and familial programming all laid on top of our lives like designs on

a giant sheet of tracing paper while the more we strive to get our reality to

match this design, the more we struggle.

The gap between how life is and how we think life is; is often the black hole

in which we fruitlessly labor.

We think things are worse or better, harder or easier than they actually are

from this cacophony of background noise and judgement.

Consider this: You just messed something important up. Immediately

thoughts like “I’m so stupid” and “I always screw things up” randomly pop

into your head.

All this means is that your reaction to one situation is out of sync with the

whole. Just like when you whine (yes, you whine), about how “impossible”

what you need to do is. Your brain starts to follow that line of thought all the

way down the rabbit hole!

Fortunately, by accepting and including your thoughts as just a small part of

the whole and getting down to taking actions, you’ll slowly start to realize

just how out of touch you’ve been all along.

This method is actually similar to one used by psychiatrists giving therapy to

their patients. That’s because it works. By challenging our thoughts with

actions and exposing ourselves to the situations we resist, we train our brain

to see the world more cognitively. We get accustomed to living life, “as is”

rather than how we think it is!

The next time you’re feeling or experiencing any sort of negative or

diminishing thought that disempowers you, move on immediately. Act

independently of that thought. More specifically, act in a way that’s in your

best interests rather than in a way that is dominated by how you automatically

think and feel. Each time will be better than the last until your mind wakes up

and realizes, “Hey, I can do this. I’m learning!”

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