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you don’t, but believe me, their rise to the top was anything but certain or

easy. Most of them doubted it every single day, sometimes hundreds of times

per day. That’s right, they sat there, just like you are right now, wondering

how they would make it, whether it was all worthwhile or whether they had

what it takes.

There were days when they doubted what they were doing. Where they

thought, “this is never going to work”. Many found themselves on the verge

of giving up at numerous occasions along the way.

They didn’t succeed because they were certain they were going to succeed;

They succeeded because they didn’t let uncertainty stop them. They did it

anyway. They ignored their doubts and kept pushing forward. They were

relentless when the only thing they had to fuel them was relentlessness.

Give some thought to all the people who have achieved something great, only

to quickly fade into obscurity. I’m sure you can think of a few, whether

they’re entertainers or business people or athletes.

In my career I’ve coached many “successful” people who came to me

because their lives had gone flat, and they had become uninspired and tepid.

What happened? For many of them, they got comfortable. For years, they had

pushed their comfort zones to get where they wanted to be. But as soon as

they chose certainty over uncertainty, they stopped achieving. They hit the


Why does it happen? Because when you’ve accomplished one of your goals,

when you’re rich and successful, the future naturally seems a little more

certain. I’m sure we’d all feel a little more secure with a million bucks or so

in the bank.

But that mindset shift is exactly what creates the environment for our ultimate

undoing. When we’re no longer uncertain about money, the desire—the need

even—to pursue it recedes. When we’re no longer uncertain about success,

our ambition can blunt or mellow. We get to wallow in our bloated illusion of

certainty. Eventually we get to do that thing called, “settle”. We settle for


That’s the kind of power that uncertainty has in our lives. It can make us or

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