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start to realize something. And that’s that many of the difficulties and

complications in your life are the direct result of expectations that you have

or have had.

We’ve been using an example of a business plan gone wrong, but, in your

own life, your failed relationships, dissatisfaction with work, and abandoned

diets can be traced right back to expectation. How many times have you said

to yourself, “This isn’t how I thought it would be”?

What about the last time you were angry with someone? Can you remember


Take a moment to examine that situation, and you’ll soon realize that your

anger was a product of expectations. The gap between how it is and how it

should have been. You harbor an unspoken expectation that people in your

life will be agreeable, you expect them to tell the truth, and follow through on

any agreements you have with them. Expect, expect, expect. And when they

don’t match those expectations? Oh boy!

“This is all great and good, Mr. Scottish-man but how in the hell do I uncover

my hidden expectations?”

Easy. Pick an area of your life in which things aren’t going as well as you’d

like them to, maybe even somewhere in your life that sucks right now. Take a

pen and piece of paper and write out how that area was “supposed” to turn

out. How had you planned it?

How should have this gone? You might have to use your imagination and

sense of wonder to get in touch with how the future looked from back there.

Get in touch with the hope and positivity of that area and where it was

supposed to head. Describe it in as much detail as you can possible recall.

Next, on a separate piece of paper, write down how this area actually looks.

Again, make this an exhaustive description not just “it sucks”. Get into detail

about why it is the way it is and what you now have to deal with. How do you

feel now that this part of your life did not meet your expectations?

Now, look at both pieces of paper side by side. Your pain, anguish,

disappointment (or whatever your thing is), is greater in the areas where the

gap is widest between what you expected and what you actually have. In

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