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toward your goals, even when you don’t realize what those goals actually are!

Your brain is wired to win.

It doesn’t just apply to your relationships. This dynamic is at play in your

career, your fitness, your finances and everything else you do. You are hard

wired to win.

That brings us to our next assertion: “I am wired to win”.

You’re always winning because your brain is wired to. The trouble comes

when what you really want—on a subconscious level—and what you say you

want are different, sometimes radically so.


In his research, Dr. Bruce Lipton, the famous stem cell and DNA scientist,

found that 95% of what we do in our day-to-day life is controlled by our subconscious.

Think about that for a moment. That means that out of all the

things you say or do, only a tiny fraction of them are with a true sense of


Think of all those times you lost track of time, drove home and couldn’t

remember a single thing about the journey, or forgot what day it was. For the

most part, you’re basically on autopilot, mindlessly gouging your way

through life’s predictable muddy field.

The path you follow through life is the one dictated by your deepest, most

inconspicuous thoughts. Your brain is constantly pushing you along that path,

whether it’s the one you would consciously choose to take or not.

Can’t seem to increase your income? Can’t seem to lose weight? Have you

considered the subconscious, concealed beliefs about your income and your

weight that may be driving your action (or lack of it)? You automatically

relate to yourself as belonging to a certain economic class, with a certain

level of fitness, and your actions serve to keep you in place, right where

you’re most familiar to yourself.

I like to say that we win in domains or worlds. Let’s say you make $30,000

per year. That’s a domain. All of the planning, strategy and thinking you do

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