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- Epictetus

You’re never going achieve your true potential if you’re hooked by what

other people think. In fact, you could change your life overnight if you

simply abandoned the notion that other people’s opinions matter. Life goes

on, opinion-heavy or opinion-lite.

That doesn’t mean you should go off and become a brazen sociopath and

completely disregard what others think. But if you want to win, you have to

be willing to be judged by others and not let it get to you. If you want to do

something truly great, you’ll have to accept that some people are going to

think you’re delusional or an idiot or righteous.

The person who avoids the uncertain doesn’t do this. They’re too afraid of

being judged. They’re too afraid to look foolish or stupid. They are stopped,

one foot nailed to the floor by an illusion.


This can all come as quite a shock. Some of you are probably squirming in

your chair as you read this.

That’s because you’re rejecting and avoiding uncertainty. You’re afraid of it.

You’re trying to control and know things that you simply can’t know or

control. You’re caught up the La-La land that we are all born into and can

never quite seem to get out of.

The good news is; it doesn’t have to be that way.

That’s why I want you to shift your thinking. Embrace the uncertainty. That’s

your personal assertion: “I embrace the uncertainty”.

Meet it head on. Cherish it. Enjoy it.

Remember, all of the successes, all of the experiences, all of the things

you’ve always dreamed of are waiting for you in uncertainty. Once you

accept this, it’s not as scary as before. Sure, you might still be nervous about

what will happen, but you’ll also be hopeful and excited at the prospect of

what may come.

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