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instance, we’d probably all like to be filthy rich. But are you willing to do

what it takes to make that much money? Are you willing to work 60, 70 or 80

hours of your week or skip vacations to do the work that needs to get done?

Are you willing to take on more responsibility and, importantly, risk it all?

Have you, in reality, confronted and dealt with what becoming filthy rich

might really demand of you? The seemingly endless drain on your life and

mind space? Our society has produced such a headlong rush to be the

wealthiest, the smartest, the prettiest, the best dressed, the funniest or the

strongest, and somewhere in there we have lost the ability to just be

ourselves, free to breathe life and choose our own path rather than carry the

burden of social or familial expectation. What does all that produce? Well, a

lot of disappointed and unfulfilled human beings that’s for sure.

That doesn’t mean you should stop pursuing amazing life goals if that’s what

you really want. It also doesn’t mean you should let yourself stagnate and

stop improving either. There’s nothing inherently wrong in working long

hours and sacrificing your quality of life, and some people might be perfectly

content doing so in order to make the income or get the career they want. But

so many of us have actually forgotten why we are pursuing what we are

pursuing in the first place.

All too often, we focus solely on what we don’t have, even though deep

down we don’t really need it or perhaps even want it. When I lay these things

out, you might be nodding your head. “He’s right, I don’t need to be a

millionaire” or “I don’t even really want six-pack abs.”

Which of course is all fine until the next time you see that nice car and think,

“Why don’t I have that?”, or when you look at the cover of a magazine and

wonder, “Why don’t I look like that?” or “Why aren’t my clothes that nice?”

Making sure we’re striving for what we really want requires a constant

check-in with ourselves. It’s not a one-and-done deal.

If you really want those things, then go get them! Begin today, lay out your

strategy, deal with your reality and, most importantly, take the actions

required and take them often!

But if you’re not willing to work an extra 10 or 20 hours a week just to drive

to work in a BMW instead of a Honda, give up the complete waste of

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