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Most of us let our internal condition weigh heavily on what we do. But the

truly great performers are great precisely because they’ve learned to

experience those feelings while side stepping the inclination to act upon


It’s not that they never doubt themselves or never have a desire to

procrastinate or avoid a particular situation. It’s not that they always “feel”

like doing what they should.

They simply focus and lean in. They act anyway.

It’d be great if we could simply decide to never have a negative thought, but

when it comes down to it, that’s just not realistic. I know, I know, my

positive-thinking peeps are losing their minds at this statement but here’s

something for even those people to consider. Haven’t you wondered why you

came up with positivity as an answer to your life in the first place? Have you

ever noticed how you are when impacted or surrounded by apparently

negative people or situations? That’s right, even you get gripped by the old

negative hand now and again no matter how you might try and avoid it.

The truth is, it’s difficult to have a say in, let alone control, what you think

about. Especially because, as we’ve established elsewhere in this book, we’re

not even aware of the majority of things we think about.

We have just as many pointless, irrelevant thoughts as important ones. Then

there are those default thoughts that pop into your head day in and day out.

Thoughts of unworthiness, being judged, not belonging or some lack of

competence. All of this while going to work, paying your bills, going to the

grocery store or driving your car!

Many of the things I teach my clients involve changing the way you approach

and look at life. But these are long-term solutions. Ultimately my goal is to

help you shift your subconscious. And that, my dears, is like turning a

battleship. It takes time.

No matter how hard you try, you’re going to have the occasional negative

thought. Maybe more than occasionally. Maybe every day. Maybe hundreds

of times per day.

You’re going to have days where you don’t want to get out of bed, where you

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