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spend the night reading by candlelight?

Or when you got surgery and had to spend days lying in a hospital bed? Or

when you broke up with someone and felt depressed for weeks? Let all of it

in, from the most tragic and traumatic to the merely irritating, annoying or


Remember all the problems you faced – and eventually overcame. A lot of

them may be very similar to what you’re dealing with today.

You probably felt a lot of the same emotions back then, too. You thought

you’d never get over your ex, that you’d never find a better job, or that you

wouldn’t live through the humiliation of some situation.

But you did. You raised up and kicked on and, looking back, some of those

problems might even seem a little silly now.

Can you believe how upset you were when you got a D on your math test in

high school? Or how bad you felt when you never got a second date with that

girl or guy you liked?

Even the more serious problems probably seem a lot different today. After

all, you did make it through them, and they ultimately helped shape and form

who you are today.


Now that you’ve traveled to the end of the track in one direction, it’s time to

turn around and head the other way.

To the right – if you haven’t figured it out – is your future. Here’s where

you’ll find the things to come, all of the experiences and events awaiting you

in life.

New relationships with people you’ve yet to meet. Places to visit that you’ve

never been. Doing the things, you’ve always wanted to try.

You’ll get to experience the spine tingling rush that comes when you first

kiss someone you’re really attracted to. Or the connection, satisfaction and

peace of growing old with the person you love.

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