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doing certain things. You’ve also got to put in the work and build the positive

habits that will pull you in the right direction.

If you want a new job, go out and apply for one. Get out there and network.

Search the classifieds, talk to friends, ask for references.

No, I mean really do them. Don’t say you will, and then don’t. Don’t hype

yourself up, then push it off until tomorrow.

“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”

- Carl Jung

Take stock of the things you want to achieve. What do you want to

accomplish? What do you need to do to get there? Map out the next step –

hold yourself accountable, moment by moment by moment to those steps.

These two steps, stopping and starting, are naturally linked. Because

psychologically, it’s hard to just quit something “cold turkey”. Especially

when it’s an addictive habit, that affects the very chemistry of our brains, like

food or sex or drugs or video games.

Stopping your bad habit doesn’t help, unless you replace it with something

else, something that actually works in your favor and is an example of the

new kind of life you really want to live. It’s about systematically replacing

the old with the new, forging a new life for yourself--the kind of life you’ve

always wanted.

You have to clear out the bad to make room for the good. Otherwise you’re

not going to have enough evidence for that new life. You’re building a case

for a new life, item by item. The process has to be thorough and decisive or

you’ll always be held back and slowed down on your journey to change,

carrying that dead weight.

Quit the TV, the sea of self-help books that you read and do nothing with,

excessive eating, sofa camping and procrastination. Replace them with tango

classes, book clubs, eating for fuel, bicycle riding and expressing yourself…


Need support? Get yourself a coach, a good one, the best you can afford. If

money’s an issue, join my i365 program, a 12-month journey of personal

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