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It’s not that I’m anti-planning, (I most certainly am not), but the stone-cold

attachment to the plan, (and all the expectation therein), is a little like falling

out of a row-boat and continuing to row even though you have no oars and no

boat under you anymore. Your plan (and image) of how this should have

gone is no longer relevant but yet you still struggle to reconcile the space

between your expectations and reality.

Life can be like that at times. On some occasions you have to realize that the

game has changed (sometimes dramatically so) and you need to pivot. Deal

with your reality.

Wake up, you’re in the water. Stop waving your arms about and paddle to

shore dammit!



Our mind has all kinds of automatic thought processes that we don’t even

know are going on. Expectations are just one of them, albeit an important


Here’s the harsh truth about how our brain works.

We all like to believe in something called “free will”. It’s one of those

concepts that really speaks to who we are as human beings. I mean, let’s be

honest, if we don’t have free will, what in the hell do we have?

We value the notion that we freely choose what we do, and when to do it. We

want to feel that we control our own fate and shape our own destiny.

But when our minds are ruled by these automatic thought processes, do we

really have free will? Many would argue that we don’t. Listen, here’s how

much free will you have – stop doing all that shit you know you shouldn’t be

doing and start doing all the shit you know you should be doing. All of it.

This free will stuff isn’t so easy now is it!?

“No man is free who is not master of himself.”

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