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- Epictetus

Because, as we’ve talked about throughout this book, even when you feel

yourself making a conscious decision, there are a series of unconscious

thought processes that are driving that choice. Things you don’t even see or


People are much more irrational and illogical than we realize. In many cases,

our subconscious is the puppet master that truly pulls the strings.

Fortunately, you can take back your freedom to choose. And that’s by

understanding how your mind works, seeing what it’s doing as it does it, and

being able to use that information to cognitively choose something else. To

make conscious that which is currently unconscious.

Expectations are just one of these things.


“I expect nothing and accept everything.” This is your final personal


Let me get clear about this one. This is not some meek, weak, submission to

life. No, this is the statement of a masterful celebrant of success, someone

who cannot be dominated by anyone or anything.

When you expect nothing, you’re living in the moment. You’re not worrying

about the future or rejecting the past. You’re simply embracing your situation

as it comes. When you accept everything, that doesn’t mean you are ok with

it or that you agree with it, but simply that you are owning it and in charge of

it. Remember you can always change something when you can take

ownership and responsibility for it. Sometimes it’s the single most effective

way of resolving your “stuff.” Own it!

“Don’t seek to have events happen as you wish, but

wish them to happen as they do happen, and all will

be well with you.”

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