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Of course, the tracks aren’t just sitting in the middle of a void. They cut

through countryside and cities, under tunnels and over bridges, across

stretches of ocean, around towering mountains and plunging canyons. Picture

the magnitude and magical variety of the surroundings.

Now look waaaay down those tracks to the left. This is your past. This is

where you came from, the ground you’ve already covered in your journey

through life.

Follow the tracks down and far into the distance. As you walk, you’ll see

your entire life—everything that’s ever happened to you—expanding in front

of you.

Take the time to think about the most memorable experiences from your life.

Perhaps you recall walking down the aisle with the love of your life. Maybe

it’s the birth of your first child and the feeling of holding them in your arms.

Would you trade that for anything?

Go back to that family vacation you took in the Caribbean, spending a few

days in paradise.

How about when you closed on your first house? Or when you landed that

job you wanted? Whatever your past, savor the memory of each wonderful


Depending on where you are today, you’ve got dozens or hundreds of great

experiences to look back on. Graduations, promotions, awards, parties, and

relationships. Even the little things like childhood memories that cradle and

comfort you, or those memorable tastes, sights and sounds that embrace you

in their familiarity and inspire feelings of warmth and joy. Open up and allow

yourself the good grace of those times.

But don’t just limit it to the sugary goodness either. Think about the bad, too.

Recall all the times where you struggled, suffered setbacks, or got knocked

down. The arguments, the breakups, the speeding tickets, or the late bills.

Do you remember that time when your parents caught you sneaking out and

grounded you? If you experienced a tough childhood, let all of that in here.

How about the time you forgot to pay your electricity bill and you had to

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