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precious headspace to yearn for it. Stop pretending to yourself. Deal with

your unwillingness to take on the kind of actions accomplishing those things

would require and accept that you have been bullshitting yourself. You’ll

have a lot more capacity for loving the life you actually do have and create

some room to begin striving for the things you actually want in life.

“I am unwilling” to give up all of my favorite foods just to have the body I

did when I was 20. “I am unwilling” to trade time with my family for an extra

zero on my paycheck.

Face your reality. Once you adopt the mindset of “I am unwilling”, you will

no longer be filled with guilt, resentment or regret every time you see

something you think you “want”. You’ll be in a place where you are

connected to and in tune with your real life and, if you really want to pursue

those things in the future, you’ll be able to locate yourself from that reality

and plot your road to accomplish them.


One of the beautiful things about really taking a hard look at your life and

goals is that doing so forces you to re-evaluate the path that leads to them.

Is exercising 30 minutes a day really as impossible as your mind has built it

up to be? Sure, you’re going to get a little sweaty and tired but you can throw

on your favorite music to help the time go by faster. And, even though it

might start out painfully, you’ll eventually get used to that and grow stronger.

What’s the worst thing that can happen if you offer your idea in that meeting?

It gets shot down? So what? Even if you’re faced with bigger tasks—MUCH

bigger tasks like years of back taxes, a hoarder’s paradise of a garage, telling

the truth to someone you’ve been lying to—the path to change starts with that

same glimmer of willingness.

Bear in mind we all tend to build things up in our minds to be a lot bigger

than they really are. Telling the truth becomes a trek to the Sahara Desert and

back. If that’s the case for you, try breaking the task down into smaller

declarations of willingness to “stand up”, “get out of bed”, “open my email”,

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