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reality. And when your reality is one of acting on the things that are in your

best interests, your thoughts will actually shift to match that. Think about

this: your thoughts (and the resulting feelings) are not always aligned with

what is in the best interests of your life, your health, your finances or your

potential. Many times those same thoughts and feelings are pulling you away

from your potential. Things like doubt, fear, procrastination or frustration rule

the day instead of the kind of positive action that will actually forward your


If you always attack the task at hand without hesitation, what will you think

the next time you have something important to do? Your thoughts start to

become intuitive action over time until you start to act independently of your

negative thoughts time after time after time. Are you going to think about

yourself and what you lack, or are you going to deal with the actions

presenting themselves right there in that moment of time?

Haven’t you ever noticed, when you’re fully immersed in something, all of

your problems or negative conversations seem to disappear? When you are

cognitively and genuinely engaged in a practice or project, that internal

chatter gets quieter and quieter. The golfers, tennis players, meditators,

knitters, musicians, artists and runners among us know exactly what I am

talking about. Athletes call this “the zone.” And the good news is, you can

get better at getting in the zone too!

When you can focus your attention on the action at hand, eventually your

consciousness starts to get

the idea.

Each time you do, you build your experience of self-confidence and trust in

yourself. All of that impacts the long-term way in which you think.

So what’s the second way that actions influence our thoughts?

Remember when I said your thoughts can become your reality? That’s true.

While your thoughts can become your reality, it’s only through your actions

that your thoughts actually become your life. Until then, they are only


Sometimes our mind is like the equivalent of a funhouse mirror, distorting

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