British Simmental Review 2018

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Main Electric Fence

The TBAS identifies four main sources of infection;

1. Brought-in cattle. This can be cattle which have

been purchased at a market or privately, your own

cattle which have left the holding for a show or

those which return unsold from the market.

2. Neighbouring cattle. However biosecure and

health conscious you are, if your cattle have noseto-nose

contact with other cattle, there’s a risk.

3. Latent infection. The TB skin test does not have

absolutely 100% detection rate, and animals can

retain infection without reacting to a skin test.

4. Wildlife. Be it from badgers, deer, alpacas, or other

sources, there is no doubt that wildlife is a threat.

The TBAS spent some time looking round the farm,

noting current biosecurity, hazards and TB history. They

define biosecurity as measures, or a series of measures,

which reduce the risk of disease; in livestock terms, this

is based on the premise that prevention is better than

cure. We were presented with a chart showing what

percentage risk each of the categories above currently

posed. In our case, we run a closed herd, and although we

show cattle, they are always isolated and tested before

rejoining the herd. We are largely bordered by roads,

rivers and railways, and the only field with neighbouring

cattle has a minimum 6 metre gap. At this time, we had

one non-homebred animal in our herd, and although this

had passed four years worth of TB testing, a 5% risk was

allocated. Which left us with a whopping 95% of our risk

being allocated to wildlife.

It was very clear from this that the responsibility to

protect our cattle from wildlife threat lay with us. We had

Main Electric Fence

Main Electric Fence



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