British Simmental Review 2018

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By George Coles

Back in August we attended Countryfile

Live with some of our cattle - Grace

and her calf James Bond, Elizabeth

our pet Simmy X heifer and Mayflower,

a pedigree Red Angus. We were in the

Passion for Farming/Adam’s Farm Area,

which gives the public the chance to see

livestock up close and ask us questions

about what we do and about our animals.

The idea of the Ask the Farmer section is

to get real life farmers talking directly to

members of the public and answering all

their questions.

Countryfile Live is held at Blenheim

Palace in Oxfordshire. It is not an

agricultural show, and is not advertised

as one, and is attended by all the BBC

Countryfile Team plus some other famous

faces. The event attracts over 120,000

people over 4 days; most of these are not

from the farming community, and for some

it is the first time they have seen livestock up

close. The look on some people’s faces when

they see how big the cattle are is a picture,

it’s even better when they get to touch them!

We showed our cattle in the ring, and

held question and answer sessions with the

public, covering everything from the breed

to the show stick. Once a day I was also

involved in a question and answer session

with a vet from Hook Norton Vets. I took

a cow out into the ring and we discussed

everything from dog control and poo issues,

health of the animals, the use of new

052 www.britishsimmental.co.uk

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