British Simmental Review 2018

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Newbiemains cows and calves

running with Moorglen Hillbilly

Always lots of laughs

A Breeze Up On The Borders

We headed north for the Scottish borders

A short break, just what the doctor ordered

Feather dusted and cobweb free

Splendid cattle keen to see

A resilient band of two and twenty

Amusing moments in store aplenty

We witnessed our chairman’s wheelchair dash

Waited patiently for our coach’s overheating impasse

Big Jim to the rescue with engineering buster

Cured with H2O and female muster

Arrived with relief at glorious Powfoot to stay

On the peaceful shores of the Solway Firth bay

Welcomed warmly with food and wine to cheer

Anticipating visits to remember and revere

We headed for Dumfries and tracked the lovely Wigtown sands

Arrived at Chestermann and the Gwynne family’s lands

Toured their herd and viewed smart entries for Stirling

Nadia’s majestic Fell ponies also caused a few stirrings

Replete we moved on to the Goldies’s domain

Providing a welcome respite from the wind and rain

Viewed impressive cattle in evening sunshine

We acknowledged the merit of successful bloodlines

Enjoyed supper supplied by convivial and understanding hosts

Undeterred by Elaine’s shattering encounter with their model boat



The next day we began with the Manor Park Herd farm

Famed for the Kirtleton butler’s murderous charm

Despite the mud our visit wasn’t so ill fated

The challenges were weather and reclaimed land related

Maine Anjou cattle, Durham originated and sourced in France

Crossed with Simmentals, commercial sucklers to enhance

Amazed at a top class handling system in the making

We left Clive and sons envious, with heads shaking

Vote of thanks to the Ewing Family

Moving on to an impressive Ewing buffet meal

Andrew entertained with odd transport requests revealed

Toured the extensive lairage facilties on hand

Appreciated the business acumen of a ‘real’ man

We visited Annandale Whisky Distillery kilns

Were impressed with wonderful woodwork skills

Sampled Robbie Burns inspired Man O’ Words

And King Robert the Bruce Man O’ Swords

On the final day we headed for Hexham market town

A short coffee stop while behind us Hurricane Ali was bound

Although blessed with sunshine the winds gained in strength

Our visit to Bavington certainly was a memorable event

Huge credit to the Sanders family for getting us around

Cattle with Rosten bloodlines and promising Diesel heifers sound

Treated to a wonderful lunch while trees were uprooted

The coach returned to Newcastle with baggage all booted

So concludes Cornwall Club’s 2018 adventure

With more laughs then there is room to mention

Many thanks for generous hospitality abounding

And the opportunity to see your cattle outstanding

www.britishsimmental.co.uk 077

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