Communications Regulatory Authority

Communications Regulatory Authority

Communications Regulatory Authority


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virtue of the provisions under article 6, paragraph 1 of law no. 112/04 (the so-called<br />

“Gasparri law”).<br />

This regulation defines radio and television news as a service of public concern,<br />

regardless of the news content and the technical methods by which it is provided, and<br />

apart from the public or private nature of the party which provides this service (Council<br />

of State, section VI, Order no. 3147/2005).<br />

Lastly, the Lazio TAR upheld appeals lodged by RTI, Publitalia 80 and RAI<br />

requesting the quashing of Resolutions nos. 150/05/CONS, 151/05/CONS, and<br />

152/05/CONS, by which AGCOM had inflicted administrative fines equal to 2% of<br />

advertising sales made in 2003 due to the breach of the warning not to perform<br />

behaviours contrary to article 2 of law no. 249/97 which prohibits dominant positions in<br />

the mass media field (TAR, section II, judgements nos. 13766/2005, 13767/2005,<br />

13768/2005). The administrative judge deemed AGCOM’s warning not to perform<br />

behaviours contrary to article 2 of law no. 249/97 - for it being a mere order to comply<br />

with an already unbreakable, binding and imperative specific law provision - not to be<br />

one of those coercive administrative acts for which, in case of non-compliance, a fine is<br />

inflicted under article 1, paragraph 31 of law no. 249/1997.<br />

With regard to the telecommunications field, the Lazio TAR confirmed the<br />

legitimacy of five resolutions relating both to regulatory accounting and to Telecom<br />

Italia’s interconnection reference offers (Resolutions nos. 399/02/CONS; 02/03/CIR;<br />

03/03/CIR; 11/03/CIR; 289/03/CONS). These resolutions had been adopted by<br />

AGCOM in the framework of European rules and regulations aimed at the development<br />

of competitive dynamics in the communications market, so granting new entrants the<br />

possibility to use the existing copper distribution network (the so-called access<br />

network), with the development of an “intermediate market” between incumbent<br />

operators and end users, pursuant to regulations (involving the so-called “last mile”<br />

issue) characterized by cost-oriented rates for the use of networks by new entrants<br />

((TAR, section II, judgement no. 1773/06).<br />

With regard to organisation matters the Lazio TAR ruled on two appeals lodged<br />

by Torre Argentina Società di Servizi s.p.a., Divisione Centro D’Ascolto<br />

dell’informazione radiotelevisiva (the Torre Argentina’s division for radio and<br />

television news monitoring), against AGCOM and Isimm Ricerche s.r.l., on one hand,<br />

on account of the revocation of the invitation to tender for the awarding of the public<br />

service contract for the monitoring of national broadcasters’ television programmes<br />

(with regard to the fields of socio-political pluralism, users’ guarantees and<br />

programming obligations), and, on the other hand, on account of the exclusion of the<br />

claimant’s offer (“which turned out to be higher than the tender basis”) from the<br />

invitation to a private treaty.<br />


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