WebSphere Application Server V7.0: Concepts ... - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server V7.0: Concepts ... - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server V7.0: Concepts ... - IBM Redbooks


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6.9.6 Naming convention<br />

The purpose for developing systematic naming concepts and rules for a<br />

<strong>WebSphere</strong> site is two-fold:<br />

► To provide guidance during setup and configuration<br />

► To quickly narrow down the source of any issue that arises<br />

Naming the <strong>WebSphere</strong> <strong>Application</strong> <strong>Server</strong> infrastructure artifacts, such as cells,<br />

nodes, application servers, and so on should follow the company’s normal<br />

naming conventions as far as possible. Some considerations to be taken into<br />

account when developing the key concepts for the site during the installation<br />

planning are as follows:<br />

► Naming profiles<br />

The profile name can be any unique name, but it is a good idea to have a<br />

standard for naming profiles. This will help administrators easily determine a<br />

logical name for a profile when creating it and will help them find the proper<br />

profiles easily after creation. For example, a profile can include characters<br />

that indicate the profile type, server, and an incremental number to distinguish<br />

it from other similar profiles.<br />

Do not use any of the following characters when naming your profile:<br />

– Spaces<br />

– Illegal special characters that are not allowed within the name of a<br />

directory on your operating system (namely, * & ? ‘ “, and so forth)<br />

– Slashes (/ or \)<br />

► Naming cells<br />

A cell represents an administrative domain.<br />

In a stand-alone environment, the cell name is not usually visible to<br />

administrators and a naming convention is not required. The name is<br />

automatically generated during profile creation, and is in the following format:<br />

Cell<br />

The will increment, starting with “01,” with every new node. For<br />

example, server1Node01Cell, server1Node02Cell, and so on.<br />

In a distributed server environment, there are considerations for naming a<br />

cell. A cell name must be unique in any circumstance in which the product is<br />

running on the same physical machine or cluster of machines, such as a<br />

sysplex. Additionally, a cell name must be unique in any circumstance in<br />

which network connectivity between entities is required either between the<br />

cells or from a client that must communicate with each of the cells. Cell<br />

names also must be unique if their name spaces are going to be federated.<br />

220 <strong>WebSphere</strong> <strong>Application</strong> <strong>Server</strong> <strong>V7.0</strong>: <strong>Concepts</strong>, Planning, and Design

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