WebSphere Application Server V7.0: Concepts ... - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server V7.0: Concepts ... - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server V7.0: Concepts ... - IBM Redbooks


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► Data stores (or, tables inside a database)<br />

Data stores are the equivalent of file stores, but are implemented inside a<br />

relational database as a series of tables. They are administered by the<br />

facilities provided by the database. You can use any supported database<br />

product. Data stores might be preferable for larger organizations with an<br />

existing database infrastructure and skills.<br />

Both types of message store can be subject to security, such as file<br />

system/database encryption and physical security access.<br />

10.6 Planning checklist for messaging<br />

Table 10-1 provides a summary of items to consider as you plan and additional<br />

resources that can help you.<br />

Table 10-1 Planning checklist for messaging<br />

Planning item<br />

Determine if and how messaging will be used.<br />

Choose a JMS messaging provider (default messaging, <strong>WebSphere</strong> MQ, or generic).<br />

Design a messaging topology. If using the default messaging provider, determine the<br />

number of buses to be used and if connections to other buses or <strong>WebSphere</strong> MQ are<br />

required.<br />

Determine what destinations (queues, topics) are required initially, and the reliability<br />

levels for those destinations.<br />

Determine the type of message data store to use.<br />

Design a security strategy for messaging:<br />

► Bus security<br />

► Transport security<br />

Plan for high availability. If clustering application servers, decide whether to use one<br />

messaging engine (high availability) or multiple (workload management).<br />

Resources<br />

For a good overall reference, the <strong>WebSphere</strong> <strong>Application</strong> <strong>Server</strong> Information<br />

Center contains numerous messaging resources:<br />

http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v7r0/topic/com.ibm.web<br />

sphere.nd.doc/info/ae/ae/welc6tech_msg.html<br />

Chapter 10. Messaging 355

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