WebSphere Application Server V7.0: Concepts ... - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server V7.0: Concepts ... - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server V7.0: Concepts ... - IBM Redbooks


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► <strong>Server</strong> scope<br />

The server scope value limits the visibility to the named server. This is the<br />

most specific scope for defining resources. The resource factories that are<br />

defined within the server scope are available for applications that are<br />

deployed on this server and override any resource factories that have the<br />

same JNDI name defined within the node and cell scopes. The resource<br />

factories that are defined within the node and cell scopes are available for this<br />

server to use, in addition to the resource factories that are defined within this<br />

server scope.<br />

► <strong>Application</strong> scope<br />

The application scope value limits the visibility to the named application.<br />

<strong>Application</strong> scope resources cannot be configured from the Integrated<br />

Solutions Console. Use Rational <strong>Application</strong> Developer Assembly and Deploy<br />

V7.5, or the wsadmin tool to view or modify the application scope resource<br />

configuration. The resource factories that are defined within the application<br />

scope are available for this application to use only. The application scope<br />

overrides all other scopes.<br />

You can define resources at multiple scopes but the definition at the most specific<br />

scope is used.<br />

When selecting a scope, the following rules apply:<br />

► The application scope has precedence over all the scopes.<br />

► The server scope has precedence over the node, cell, and cluster scopes.<br />

► The cluster scope has precedence over the node and cell scopes.<br />

► The node scope has precedence over the cell scope.<br />

When viewing resources, you can select the scope to narrow the list to just the<br />

resources defined at the scope. Alternatively, you can select to view resources<br />

for all scopes. Resources are always created at the currently selected scope.<br />

Resources created at a given scope might be visible to lower scope. For<br />

example, a data source created at a node level might be visible to servers within<br />

the node.<br />

Chapter 9. System management 325

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