Letöltöm - ME.dok 2012/2

Letöltöm - ME.dok 2012/2

Letöltöm - ME.dok 2012/2


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A kolozsvári magyar<br />

sportmédia „kedvencei”<br />

a két világháború között.<br />

A Kolozsvári Atlétikai Club versenyzői<br />


Abstract („Favourites” of sport life in Cluj in the interwar period: the sportsmen of KAC)<br />

After the World War I due to the change of the political regime the development of the local<br />

Hungarian sport life in Cluj had been retained. Associations had disappeared and a number of<br />

sport facilities were lost by the Hungarian clubs. The problems of the local Hungarian minority were<br />

eased by the athletes who achieved many national and international successes. This was the era<br />

when the Hungarian sportsmen were considered models and the pride of the community, and this<br />

was refl ected in the appreciation of the local sport-press.<br />

Keywords<br />

sport life of Cluj, István Somodi dr., athletics, fencing, Lajos Schenker-Ozoray<br />

Rezumat (Cei mai mediatizaţi sportivi în perioada dintre cele două războaie mondiale în presa<br />

sportivă clujeană: sportivii Clubului Atletic din Cluj)<br />

După primul război mondial, dezvolarea sportului maghiar din Cluj a cunoscut o recesiune<br />

pronunţată. Au dispărut o serie de asociaţii sportive, iar dreptul de folosinţă al facilităţilor sportive<br />

a fost retras de la cluburile maghiare. În aceste vremuri, problemele minorităţii maghiare au fost<br />

făcute uitate tocmai de către sportivi, ei obţinând numeroase succese pe plan local şi internaţional.<br />

Prin urmare, sportivii erau consideraţi ca fi ind modele, iar acest lucru s-a refl ectat şi în aprecierea<br />

presei sportive locale.<br />

Cuvinte cheie<br />

viaţa sportivă clujeană, István Somodi dr., atletism, scrimă, Lajos Schenker-Ozoray<br />

Dr. Killyéni András,<br />

sporttörténész, BBTE<br />

Az első világháború utáni közhatalomváltás következtében a kolozsvári<br />

magyar sportélet fejlődése is megtorpant. Egyesületek szűntek meg,<br />

emellett számos létesítményt vesztettek el a magyar klubok. A sétatéri tavat<br />

a korcsolyapavilonnal, illetve a sporttelepet átvette a román sportvezetés,<br />

a magyar egyesületek pedig, amelyeknek anyagi támogatásával készültek<br />

el ezek a létesítmények, megtűrt „bérlők” lettek. A magyarság fájdalmait<br />

némiképp enyhítették a kolozsvári magyar sportolók, akik ily nehéz<br />


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