1991:2 - Universitetet i Bergen

1991:2 - Universitetet i Bergen

1991:2 - Universitetet i Bergen


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technology for various purposes. Onc applicatian concerns the museum's<br />

collections of objccts. 1 million objecu wcre registercd in grotocoIs or<br />

on cards, and thc registered objects wcre safely skored away in depok:<br />

in pracrice inarcessible to borh scsearch~rs and museum personneI. By<br />

updating thc catnlogues on computer, and storing pictures of the objects<br />

on vidco disks. khe museum has created an effective organisational tool,<br />

as wc11 as a good source of information for sesearch.<br />

As an exampIe of a multimedia information system. the author points<br />

to the National Museum's product on the Danish Liberation SLsuggIe<br />

1940-45. which consists of 11,000 phatographs and nine video sequences<br />

stored on a video disk, and a computer control system to guide the<br />

vicwcr to exactly the material of choice. This video disk has bccn on<br />

the market for more han a year, and is sold to a number of schools<br />

in Scandinavia and ta rcsertrch institutions in mmy parts of the world.<br />

People have objected to sorne of the iniormatien presetned, and actually<br />

corrected the "official" vcrsions of the evenrs.<br />

Thc RoyJ Library in Copenhagcn is planning a national picture<br />

database in cooperation with Danmarks Radio: the purpose is lo register<br />

and make accessibIc large colIections of pictures - about 10,000,000<br />

ilerns - which at present are diBicult to access: they are found in just<br />

one Iocadon, Slolsholmen, and can be viewed only during opening<br />

hours and under ~hs auspices of a museum consultant. An average of<br />

60,000 such visitors are guided through relevant collections every year,<br />

which naturally drawc heavily on the resources of the museum. Besidcs,<br />

searching, in this case rneans Icafing through the miginals, provided<br />

they are available and registered.<br />

In this situation a database of digitized pictures stored on same<br />

opticaI storage medium will faciIitate easy access, quick and ellicient<br />

searches - and geography is no hindrance.<br />

The thitd case is kaken from Telccorn Denmark in Tåstrup. which is<br />

developing a database OF historical picturcs showing the developmcnt<br />

of teIe-communications in Denmark.<br />

These cases share cornmon concems for conservation, disaeminntion,<br />

technology and ecanomy.<br />

New technology rnay definitdy reduce the wear and kar on the<br />

original pholographic material through the creation of compupter registess<br />

with digjlized copies. Some kind of permanent siorage for rhe original<br />

material will sti11 have to be round.<br />

Dissemination is very weI1 catered for by the new technology: it<br />

may givc the museum personne1 a new, complete overview over the<br />

colIecLions, and visitors rnay freely search the entire picture base.<br />

Technology: Ar present data bases of high-soIution data bases are<br />

very expensive. The best solutions seem to be centtal information data<br />


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