1991:2 - Universitetet i Bergen

1991:2 - Universitetet i Bergen

1991:2 - Universitetet i Bergen


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In the spring of <strong>1991</strong> the committee for the establishment of a Norwegian<br />

cenrre for music technology presented a revised report to the Ministry<br />

of Culiure and to the Minise of Church, Education and Research. The<br />

comrnillee has been chaired by Arvid Vollsncs, Unive~sity of Oslo.<br />

Modem eIectro-acoustic technology has become an integrated part of<br />

the currenl music scene, making up a natural and important part of<br />

practically all types of modcrn music.<br />

What we see on the surrace is Ihe use of a wide range of new<br />

elecmnic instrurnents and auxiliaries appearing in the market and on<br />

slage. Hewever, the technology alsa represents a fundamenla1 challenge<br />

- nestheticnlly, professionall y and socially:<br />

Cornposerc of all kinds of music are today making us¢ of the new<br />

technology, bur they have not had professional training, and necd the<br />

opportuniry to lem more about Phe technologicd possibilitios.<br />

There is a profcssionaI interest in doing reasearch in this typc of<br />

music and in psycho-acoustics, The pedagogical element needs to be<br />

strengthened. At present interested young people know more about it<br />

than teachers and pedagogical institutions. Finally, this is a field where<br />

modem comrnunication technology may make an important contribution.<br />

since elcctmnic music may be accessed via nctworks regardIess of<br />

distances.<br />

There is a large porential in this technology, which should be exploitcd<br />

fully. to the advantnge of all music rnilieus in Norway. The centre<br />

would coordinating Norwegian expertise and competence in order to<br />

take charge of the expansive development and to partake in deciding<br />

how it shauld influence the music milieus.<br />

Norwegian musical and artistic competence need to be strengthened<br />

in order to preserve national characteristics. Norway may welI be the<br />

only European country which does not have a single dedicated studio<br />

for composers who wish to work wiih electro-acoustic technology.<br />

In order to achieve the best results it is importank to invcst in<br />

equipmcnt and develop knowledge and ideas. A Norwegian centrc for<br />

music technology would draw on Norwegian expertise in modem music<br />

technology, organize courses and education, coordinate a Norwegian<br />

nctwork of kaowIedge and help creatc Norwegian contemporary music.<br />

The committee proposes that the centre be esiablished in Oslo, to<br />

facilitate the cooperate with 0th centres that are concerned with new<br />

information technofogy. The proposed centre should have a minimum<br />


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