1991:2 - Universitetet i Bergen

1991:2 - Universitetet i Bergen

1991:2 - Universitetet i Bergen


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RUTH<br />



Øystein Relgern<br />


In many mas of research. especially in the humanities, there is a aeed<br />

to analyse kxts. Where large and complex texts are involvcd. ane<br />

would like to use the computer for hat purpose. Some computer analyses<br />

can be made on the basis of the text itself, but in many cases this<br />

pIaces too heavy a burden on the analysis 1001s - the computer programs.<br />

E-g. a program hat wcre to rneasure the degree of irony in a Iiterary<br />

text would have to be very intelligent indeed. The sotution to this<br />

problem is ta code the texrs prior 10 the analysis. i.e to mark or "mgn<br />

the various text elements relevant to the study. The codes or marks or<br />

tags should ceniain the necessary information charocterizing the semantics<br />

and morphopiogy of the elements.<br />

Within the humanities the need for text encoding has received a lot<br />

of attention lately, especially through the internationaI Text Encoding<br />

Initiative (TE0 project. The ned for coding ariscs not enly when texts<br />

are te be anaIysed, bur also when texts are ta be exchanged between<br />

researchers, institutions or pmjecls. TE1 base their secommcndations on<br />

ihc Slandard Generolired Markup Langtlage (SGML), and so the TE1<br />

recomrnendatjons spcdfy a cornprehensive encoding of various text<br />

features from the overal1 sfnicture down to minute details. For more<br />

information on TE1 and SGML see the article The Text Eneoding<br />

Iniiielive: A Progress Repon by Lou Barnord, OxFord University Cornputing<br />

Service, in Humanistiske Data 3-90: ~he report Living with Guidelines,<br />

from thc European TE1 Workshop in Oxford 1-2 July by Donald<br />

Spaeth in this issue; and the forthcoming report (in Norwegian) horn<br />

a seminar on text encoding arranged in <strong>Bergen</strong> 21-22 June by be<br />

Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humoniries (NCCH) and Lhe<br />

Wirigensrein Archives in <strong>Bergen</strong>.<br />


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