My grandfather often took me to school in the mornings when I was a little girl. We usually left earlier and stopped by a bakery near my school. He ordered cakes and milk for me while choosing a cup of black coffee with filter for him. When eating my food, I loved counting the drops of coffee falling down through the filter, wondering how they tasted. Once, when my grandfather was buying a magazine, I surreptitiously dipped a finger in the cup of coffee. Bitter! It was the first time I tasted it and couldn’t understand why the drink that many adults love was so bitter. That time I felt like I would never like coffee.

My grandfather often took me to school in the mornings when I was a little girl. We usually left earlier and stopped by a bakery near my school. He ordered cakes and milk for me while choosing a cup of black coffee with filter for him. When eating my food, I loved counting the drops of coffee falling down through the filter, wondering how they tasted. Once, when my grandfather was buying a magazine, I surreptitiously dipped a finger in the cup of coffee. Bitter! It was the first time I tasted it and couldn’t understand why the drink that many adults love was so bitter. That time I felt like I would never like coffee.


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CÔng lµ thµnh vin trong BÈ s≠u tÀp Mgallery, Hotel des<br />

Arts Saigon gÓi nhÌ lπi h◊nh ∂nh trong nh˜ng th≠Ìc phim<br />

du hµnh v“ mi“n Vi‘n ß´ng cÒa giÌi mÈ Æi÷u mÈt thÍi.<br />

H¨i thÎ cÒa nh˜ng chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh †y<br />

Æ≠Óc truy“n t∂i Æ«y quy’n rÚ ngay khi<br />

du kh∏ch b≠Ìc ch©n vµo s∂nh kh∏ch<br />

sπn, nh˜ng bÀc thang hay lËi Æi gi˜a c∏c<br />

phflng, tı c∏ch bµi tr› nÈi th†t Æ’n bË cÙc ∏nh s∏ng vµ<br />

mÔi n≠Ìc hoa Æ∆c tr≠ng Æ≠Óc chi’t xu†t tı hoa hu÷ t©y<br />

k’t hÓp cÔng h≠¨ng hoa sen Ai CÀp, hoa s¯, s∂ chanh<br />

vµ mÈt chÛt mÔi cam nhã. ß„ lµ th¯ ∏nh s∏ng vµ h≠¨ng<br />

th¨m ta tıng bæt g∆p Æ©u Æ„ trong nh˜ng th≠Ìc phim,<br />

nh˜ng c©u chuy÷n v“ chµng qu˝ tÈc ¢u ch©u m∂i mi’t<br />

ki’m t◊m b„ng hÂng É ß´ng.<br />

C∏c phflng nghÿ tπi Hotel des Arts mang thi’t k’ trang<br />

nh∑, cÊ Æi”n vµ sang tr‰ng. H◊nh ∂nh x¯ ß´ng D≠¨ng<br />

thÍi Ph∏p Æ≠Óc th” hi÷n qua nh˜ng chi ti’t nh≠ dµn ÆÃn<br />

thÒy tinh træng th∂ d‰c tı tr«n nhµ mang ∏nh s∏ng vµng<br />

nhã †m ∏p, nh˜ng b¯c hoa treo t≠Íng lµ t∏c ph»m cÒa<br />

ngh÷ s¸ Sµi Gfln x≠a, bµn lµm vi÷c v©n gÁ nÊi, ÆÃn Ɖc<br />

s∏ch hay ÆÂ ch∆n gi†y mang mµu thÍi gian... T†t c∂ Æem<br />

Æ’n cho du kh∏ch c∂m h¯ng nh≠ Æang th≠Îng ngoπn<br />

b∂o tµng m¸ thuÀt cÒa ring h‰.<br />

Nhæc lπi mÈt chÛt v“ chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh Vi‘n ß´ng,<br />

cÔng vÌi mong muËn kh∏m ph∏ mi“n Ɔt mÌi, giÌi qu˝<br />

tÈc kh´ng bao giÍ qun mang theo nh˜ng ti÷n nghi<br />

hoµn h∂o vµ tinh t’ cho nh˜ng lÛc nghÿ ng¨i. Du kh∏ch<br />

sœ t◊m th†y Æi“u nµy khi t◊m tÌi kh´ng gian phflng ngÒ<br />

tπi Hotel des Arts. N÷m gi≠Íng m ∏i Æ≠Óc lµm tı sÓi<br />

b´ng Ai CÀp cÔng gËi l´ng vÚ træng muËt Æem lπi s˘<br />

tho∂i m∏i tËi Æa vµ c∂m gi∏c sang tr‰ng cho du kh∏ch.<br />

Kh´ng chÿ mang c∂m h¯ng Vi‘n ß´ng Î s∂nh hay phflng<br />

nghÿ, Nhµ hµng vµ lounge Social Club trn t«ng 23 cÒa<br />

kh∏ch sπn cÚng ch›nh lµ b∂n sao thu nh· cÒa ß´ng<br />

D≠¨ng nh˜ng n®m 1930. ß≠Óc thi’t k’ bÎi C´ng ty Super<br />

Potato nÊi ti’ng Æ’n tı NhÀt B∂n, theo c∂m h¯ng Æ≠Óc<br />

l†y tı c∏c c©u lπc bÈ dµnh cho giÌi th≠Óng l≠u cÒa n≠Ìc<br />

Anh thÍi x≠a, Social Club kh´ng cfln ƨn thu«n lµ chËn<br />

th≠ gi∑n sau giÍ lµm vi÷c, mµ cfln lµ n¨i Æ” trao ÆÊi, th·a<br />

thuÀn c´ng vi÷c lµm ®n. Ch›nh bÎi nh˜ng Æi“u nµy, Hotel<br />

des Arts kh´ng chÿ thu hÛt nh˜ng du kh∏ch c„ nhu c«u<br />

l≠u trÛ mµ cfln c∂ giÌi mÈ Æi÷u Sµi thµnh.<br />

100<br />


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