My grandfather often took me to school in the mornings when I was a little girl. We usually left earlier and stopped by a bakery near my school. He ordered cakes and milk for me while choosing a cup of black coffee with filter for him. When eating my food, I loved counting the drops of coffee falling down through the filter, wondering how they tasted. Once, when my grandfather was buying a magazine, I surreptitiously dipped a finger in the cup of coffee. Bitter! It was the first time I tasted it and couldn’t understand why the drink that many adults love was so bitter. That time I felt like I would never like coffee.

My grandfather often took me to school in the mornings when I was a little girl. We usually left earlier and stopped by a bakery near my school. He ordered cakes and milk for me while choosing a cup of black coffee with filter for him. When eating my food, I loved counting the drops of coffee falling down through the filter, wondering how they tasted. Once, when my grandfather was buying a magazine, I surreptitiously dipped a finger in the cup of coffee. Bitter! It was the first time I tasted it and couldn’t understand why the drink that many adults love was so bitter. That time I felt like I would never like coffee.


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88<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

T‰a lπc tπi th´n V‹nh Hy thuÈc Æfia<br />

phÀn V≠Ín quËc gia NÛi ChÛa,<br />

Amanoi c„ vfi tr› v´ cÔng Ææc Æfia<br />

khi Æ≠Óc bao b‰c bÎi vÔng vfinh<br />

hoang s¨ V‹nh Hy - 1 trong 4 vfinh<br />

Æãp nh†t Vi÷t Nam. Amanoi bæt<br />

nguÂn tı ti’ng Phπn c„ ngh‹a lµ<br />

“chËn ngh‹ d≠Ïng yn b◊nh” vµ<br />

ÆÛng nh≠ tn g‰i, Amanoi resort<br />

c„ 36 villa sang tr‰ng, trong sË Æ„<br />

c„ mÈt vµi villa c„ b” b¨i ring vµ<br />

toπ lπc trn ÆÂi vÌi t«m nh◊n bao<br />

qu∏t xuËng vfinh V‹nh Hy. Toµn bÈ<br />

c∏c phflng nghÿ Æ≠Óc bµi tr› theo<br />

phong c∏ch truy“n thËng cÒa Vi÷t<br />

Nam vÌi trang thi’t bfi hi÷n Æπi Æπt<br />

tiu chu»n 5 sao nh≠ 1 gi≠Íng Æ´i<br />

cÏ lÌn, sofa, bµn lµm vi÷c, tivi LCD,<br />

h÷ thËng nghe nhπc, qu«y bar, sofa<br />

tæm næng...<br />

Tπi c®n bi÷t th˘ nghÿ d≠Ïng cao<br />

c†p nh†t cÒa resort 6 sao Æ«u tin<br />

tπi Vi÷t Nam - Bay View Villa, bπn<br />

sœ Æ≠Óc tÀn h≠Îng kh´ng gian<br />

h≠Ìng vfinh rÈng 1.000 m 2 nªm<br />

trn s≠Ín ÆÂi, bao gÂm 5 gian<br />

phflng ngÒ, phflng kh∏ch vµ hÂ<br />

b¨i rÈng hµng tr®m m 2 tr≠Ìc nhµ.<br />

Ngoµi ra, bπn cfln Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ<br />

bÎi mÈt qu∂n gia lu´n tÛc tr˘c<br />

24/24, vµ mÈt Æ«u b’p chuyn<br />

nghi÷p. C„ t«m nh◊n bao qu∏t c∂<br />

khu v˘c rÈng lÌn gÂm nÛi ChÛa<br />

sau l≠ng vµ vfinh V‹nh Hy ph›a<br />

tr≠Ìc, Bay View Villa Æ≠Óc thi’t k’<br />

mÎ vÌi h÷ thËng cˆa sÊ, cˆa käo<br />

khi’n cho c®n phflng lu´n ngÀp<br />

trµn trong kh´ng kh› trong lµnh<br />

vµ ∏nh næng. 5 gian phflng ngÒ vÌi<br />

gi≠Íng “King Size”, kh´ng gian<br />

®n uËng sinh hoπt Î Æ©y Æ“u ring<br />

bi÷t, kÃm qu«y bar ring.<br />

Khu resort cfln c„ h÷ thËng Aman<br />

Spa vµ c©u lπc bÈ b∑i bi”n Æ” phÙc<br />

vÙ du kh∏ch nghÿ d≠Ïng. Aman<br />

Spa gÂm 7 khu trfi li÷u nh◊n ra<br />

h sen thanh tfinh vµ trong lµnh.<br />

Khu thÒy trfi li÷u c„ 2 phflng<br />

th≠Óng hπng ring bi÷t, c∂ hai<br />

Æ“u Æ≠Óc trang bfi c∏c bµn trfi li÷u<br />

Æ∏ n„ng, phflng x´ng h¨i ≠Ìt,<br />

h tæm Jacuzzi vµ h n≠Ìc lπnh.<br />

Tı Amanoi, du kh∏ch c„ th” d‘<br />

dµng Æi th®m quan c∏c danh lam<br />

thæng c∂nh cÒa tÿnh Ninh ThuÀn<br />

nh≠ Vfinh V‹nh Hy, lµng gËm Bµu<br />

TrÛc, rıng quËc gia NÛi ChÛa...<br />

Gi∏ phng: kho∂ng 100 tri÷u<br />

ÆÂng (4.897 USD++)/Æm.

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