My grandfather often took me to school in the mornings when I was a little girl. We usually left earlier and stopped by a bakery near my school. He ordered cakes and milk for me while choosing a cup of black coffee with filter for him. When eating my food, I loved counting the drops of coffee falling down through the filter, wondering how they tasted. Once, when my grandfather was buying a magazine, I surreptitiously dipped a finger in the cup of coffee. Bitter! It was the first time I tasted it and couldn’t understand why the drink that many adults love was so bitter. That time I felt like I would never like coffee.

My grandfather often took me to school in the mornings when I was a little girl. We usually left earlier and stopped by a bakery near my school. He ordered cakes and milk for me while choosing a cup of black coffee with filter for him. When eating my food, I loved counting the drops of coffee falling down through the filter, wondering how they tasted. Once, when my grandfather was buying a magazine, I surreptitiously dipped a finger in the cup of coffee. Bitter! It was the first time I tasted it and couldn’t understand why the drink that many adults love was so bitter. That time I felt like I would never like coffee.


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Lµ khu nghÿ d≠Ïng 5 sao Æ«u tin<br />

hoπt ÆÈng tπi bi”n B∑i Dµi, Nha<br />

Trang, Cam Ranh Riviera Beach<br />

Resort & Spa nh≠ mÈt lµn gi„<br />

mÌi ghi d†u nh˜ng k˚ ni÷m Æ∏ng<br />

nhÌ trong hµnh tr◊nh cÒa mÁi du<br />

kh∏ch khi Æ’n vÌi thµnh phË bi”n<br />

Nha Trang xinh Æãp.<br />

Tr∂i dµi trn khu Ɔt rÈng 10ha<br />

Æ≠Óc phÒ k›n bÎi nh˜ng ÆÂi c·<br />

xanh m¨n mÎn lµ 156 phflng nghÿ<br />

cao c†p vµ 70 c®n bi÷t th˘ nghÿ<br />

d≠Ïng k’t hÓp vÌi h b¨i ring<br />

bi÷t, c„ s©n tæm næng ring cÔng<br />

nhi“u ti÷n nghi cao c†p. Ki’n trÛc<br />

khu nghÿ mang phong c∏ch hi÷n<br />

Æπi ch©u ¢u, nÈi th†t Æ≠Óc thi’t<br />

k’ hµi hfla gi˜a t´ng mµu n©u thÍi<br />

th≠Óng, tinh t’. Trong kh´ng gian<br />

tuy÷t Æãp cÒa nhµ hµng Rosone,<br />

du kh∏ch hoµn toµn c„ th” t˘<br />

th≠Îng cho m◊nh nh˜ng b˜a ti÷c<br />

buffet mang ÆÀm phong c∏ch<br />

Vi÷t, NhÀt B∂n, ch©u ¢u... hay<br />

Fruit Stations Night dµnh ring<br />

cho c∏c t›n Æ cÒa tr≠Íng ph∏i »m<br />

th˘c xanh “Fresh and Healthy”.<br />

MÈt trong nh˜ng hoπt ÆÈng Æ≠Óc<br />

mong chÍ nh†t tπi khu resort<br />

ven bi”n ch›nh lµ “th∂ tr´i” thÍi<br />

gian, ng©m m◊nh trong lµn n≠Ìc<br />

m∏t, Æ„n ∏nh b◊nh m◊nh buÊi<br />

sÌm hay ngæm hoµng h´n l∑ng<br />

mπn vµ th≠ gi∑n vÌi ly ÆÂ uËng<br />

yu th›ch cÒa m◊nh tπi Pool Bar<br />

vµ Aqua Bar. N’u muËn ch®m<br />

s„c s¯c kh·e vµ sæc Æãp, chæc<br />

chæn bπn sœ kh´ng b· qua nh˜ng<br />

phÛt trfi li÷u tπi Rinata Oasis Spa<br />

Æ” th≠ th∏i tinh th«n vµ t∏i tπo<br />

n®ng l≠Óng. C∏c hoπt ÆÈng vui<br />

ch¨i thÛ vfi dµnh cho ng≠Íi lÌn<br />

vµ trŒ nh·, vÌi nhi“u l˘a ch‰n<br />

gi˜a c∏c trfl ch¨i b„ng chuy“n,<br />

t◊m kho b∏u, vœ m∆t, h‰c n†u<br />

®n, vÚ Æi÷u Zumba... Æ≠Óc tÊ<br />

ch¯c hµng ngµy. Chµo mÔa hÃ,<br />

khu nghÿ giÌi thi÷u g„i ≠u Æ∑i<br />

All Inclusive, Æ” du kh∏ch tÀn<br />

h≠Îng c∏c m„n ®n tı buÊi s∏ng,<br />

tr≠a, chi“u, tea break vµ ÆÂ uËng<br />

mi‘n ph› Æ’n 23h. Gi∏ phflng:<br />

4.260.000 VNß/phflng Deluxe<br />

Seaview/2 ngµy 1 Æm/2 ng≠Íi.<br />

http://issuu.com/Travellive<br />

116<br />


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