27.08.2014 Aufrufe


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Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen / Patente 2013<br />

Scientific publications / Patents 2013<br />

Contributions of Cabin-Related and Ground Operation Technologies Towards Flightpath 2050<br />

M. Schmidt, K. O. Plötner, C. Pornet, A. T. Isikveren, M. Hornung<br />

Methods for Simulation and Analysis of Hybrid Energy Propulsion Systems<br />

O. Schmitz, M. Hornung<br />

Comparative Assessment of Transient Characteristics of Conventional and Hybrid Gas Turbine Engines<br />

G. Wortmann, O. Schmitz, M. Hornung<br />

Biofuels for Aviation: Incentives for a Sustainable Supply Chain<br />

C. Jeßberger, S. Wolf<br />

Assessment Framework for Sustainable Lightweight Materials in Aviation<br />

O. Boegler, A. Roth, L. Lorenz, A. Sizmann<br />

Capacity Scaling in Airborne Communication Networks Based on Air Traffic Scenario Modeling<br />

K.-D. Büchter, N. Randt, A. Sizmann<br />

Hybrid Power Systems for Radical Emission Reduction in Aviation<br />

H. Kuhn, A. Sizmann<br />

Hybrid Power Trains for Future Mobility<br />

L. Lorenz, A. Seitz, H. Kuhn, A. Sizmann<br />

Creating an Ontology for Aircraft Design<br />

M. Ast, M. Glas, T. Röhm<br />

Facilitating Knowledge Sharing in an Aircraft Design Project<br />

S. Ziemer, M. Glas, P. Schurk<br />

09.2013 4th CEAS Air & Space Conference | Linköping<br />

Battery Pack Modeling Methods for Universally Electric Aircraft<br />

P. C. Vratny, C. Gologan, C. Pornet, A. T. Isikveren, M. Hornung<br />

Parametric Design Studies for Propulsive Fuselage Aircraft Concepts<br />

A. Seitz, C. Gologan<br />

Sustainable Alternative Fuels for Aviation: International Emission Targets vs.<br />

Corporate Sustainability Aspirations<br />

C. Jeßberger, S. Wolf<br />

10.2013 Avionics, Fiber-Optics and Photonics (AVFOP) Conference | San Diego<br />

Feasibility of High-Speed Transparent Photonic Links in Airborne Free-Space Optical Communication<br />

K.-D. Büchter, A. Sizmann<br />

11.2013 Workshop on Human Computation and Machine Learning in Games at HComp 2013 | Palm Springs<br />

Gameful Markets for Collaboration and Learning<br />

S. Leutenmayr, F. Kneissl, S. Ziemer, F. Bry<br />

11.2013 3rd International Conference on Social Eco-Informatics SOTICS | Lisbon<br />

Decision Markets for Continuously Reflected Collective Decisions<br />

S. Leutenmayr, S. Ziemer, F. Bry<br />

106<br />

Bauhaus Luftfahrt Neue Wege.

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