21.12.2012 Aufrufe

Titel für - Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Titel für - Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Titel für - Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften


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Contents:<br />

Entrepreneurship: theories and empirical methods in entrepreneurship research, characteristics of fo<strong>und</strong>ers,<br />

financing ventures, success factors and reasons for failure of newly-fo<strong>und</strong>ed companies<br />

Industrial Economics: The course deals predominantly with the competition in the fields of product and process<br />

innovation, i.e. patent races, horizontal and vertical product differentiation, etc.<br />

Growth Theory: Endogeneous growth, empirical analysis of convergence of growth rates, structural change,<br />

different forms of technical progress.<br />

Empirical Growth: stylized facts of growth, basic growth models, growth accounting, growth regressions, convergence,<br />

growth determinants, world income distribution<br />

International Trade and Investment: Heckscher-Ohlin model, new trade theory, transport costs and the gravity<br />

model, exporters and multinational firms, trade policy<br />

Financial Innovations and Economic Development: Causes and benefits of financial innovations, influence of<br />

financial innovations on long-run economic development, causes and costs of financial crises<br />

Productivity and Efficiency Analysis: production decisions, stochastic frontier functions, data envelopment<br />

analysis, size effects, allocative efficiency, dynamic analysis<br />

Lernergebnisse:<br />

Die Studierenden sind nach den Veranstaltungen in der Lage,<br />

• Gr<strong>und</strong>lagen der Gründungsforschung wiederzugeben <strong>und</strong> deren Methoden anzuwenden.<br />

• Strategische Wettbewerbssituationen einzuschätzen <strong>und</strong> Handlungsoptionen zu entwerfen.<br />

• Die realen Wachstums- <strong>und</strong> Entwicklungsprozesse in der Welt zu beschreiben <strong>und</strong> Chancen <strong>und</strong> Risiken von<br />

Wachstumsprozessen zu benennen.<br />

• Modelle des internationalen Handels zu verstehen <strong>und</strong> empirische Ergebnisse zu interpretieren.<br />

• die Ursachen, Vor- <strong>und</strong> Nachteile von Finanzinnovationen sowie ihren Einfluss auf die Wirtschaftsentwicklung<br />

zu benennen.<br />

• Methoden der Produktivitäts- <strong>und</strong> Effizienzanalyse korrekt anzuwenden.<br />

• die zentralen Ergebnisse der empirischen Wachstumsforschung zu kennen <strong>und</strong> einzuschätzen.<br />

Learning Outcomes:<br />

After the courses the students are able to<br />

• reflect the basic fo<strong>und</strong>ations of entrepreneurship research and apply their methods.<br />

• analyze strategic situations of firms and to design strategic options.<br />

• describe and analyze growth processes in the real world and are able to identify chances and risks of growth<br />

and development processes.<br />

• comprehend models of international trade and interpret empirical findings.<br />

• reflect the causes, benefits and costs of financial innovations and analyse their influence on long-run economic<br />

development.<br />

• apply methods of productivity and efficiency analysis correctly.<br />

• to know and evaluate the central results of empirical growth research.<br />

Medienformen:<br />

Beamerpräsentation, Folien, Tafel, Beispielprogramme, Übungsblätter<br />

Literatur:<br />

Aghion, P., Howitt, P. : The Economics of Growth<br />

Cantner, U., Krüger, J., Hanusch, H.: Produktivitäts- <strong>und</strong> Effizienzanalyse<br />

Feenstra, R.: Advanced International Trade<br />

Goetzmann, W. N., Rouwenhorst, K. G.: The Origins of Value. The Financial Innovations that Created Modern<br />

Financial Markets<br />

Hemmer, H.-R., Lorenz, A.: Gr<strong>und</strong>lagen der Wachstumsempirie<br />

Kindleberger, C. P., Aliber, R.: Manias, Panics, and Crashes. A History of Financial Crises<br />

Parker, S.C.: The Economics of Entrepreneurship<br />

<strong>Rechts</strong>- <strong>und</strong> <strong>Wirtschaftswissenschaften</strong> | Wirtschaftsinformatik | M.Sc. | Modulhandbuch 115

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