21.12.2012 Aufrufe

Titel für - Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Titel für - Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Titel für - Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften


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ling and public affairs management in international oriented companies<br />

Organization: Topics are the terms and definitions of organizational design, organizational theories, companies<br />

as social and technical systems, the concept of analysis and synthesis, process organization, organizational<br />

units, methods of organisational management, and technics of organizational management<br />

Management and logistics in practice: the business representatives, teachers of the lecture, give students insights<br />

into the practical problems of logistics. The event is accompanied by a case study in which students<br />

develop solutions to current issues in practice<br />

Model Company: The aim of the model company is to simulate realistic situations can be made where the<br />

effect of decisions and interactions of actors in supply chains becomes visible and tangible. This will allow<br />

students to put themselves in the various roles of actors involved in the supply chain, from OEM to the supplier<br />

to the logistics service providers, and interact in the system<br />

Lernergebnisse:<br />

Die Studierenden sind nach den Veranstaltungen in der Lage,<br />

• Wissen über das Management, insbesondere über die Planung, Steuerung, Kontrolle <strong>und</strong> Organisation<br />

von Unternehmen zu beherrschen.<br />

• Managementinstrumente zu verstehen <strong>und</strong> anzuwenden.<br />

• Theorie <strong>und</strong> Methoden zur Führung <strong>und</strong> Motivation von Mitarbeitern <strong>und</strong> organisatorischen<br />

Einheiten zu verstehen <strong>und</strong> deren Anwendungsmöglichkeiten zu erkennen.<br />

• Theorien, Methoden <strong>und</strong> Instrumente der Unternehmensführung im immer wichtiger werdenden<br />

internationalen Kontext einzusetzen, insbesondere in den Bereichen der Internationalisierungsstrategie,<br />

Organisation, Personalmanagement, Controlling <strong>und</strong> des Public Affairs Managements.<br />

• kritische Punkte in Unternehmen zur erfolgreichen Steuerung erkennen <strong>und</strong> Verbesserungsvorschläge<br />

ausarbeiten zu können.<br />

• Teamarbeit zur Präsentation <strong>und</strong> Verteidigung von Lösungsansätzen realer Praxisprobleme vor<br />

Unternehmensvertretern einzusetzen.<br />

Learning Outcomes:<br />

After the courses students are able to<br />

• have knowledge about the management of companies in the fields of planning, controlling,<br />

evaluation and organizational processes.<br />

• <strong>und</strong>erstand and apply management methods and instruments.<br />

• know about theories and methods of leading and motivating employees and organizational<br />

units and to identify their usability.<br />

• apply theories, methods and instruments of management within an international context, esp.<br />

in the fields of internationalization strategies, organizational architecture and processes, human<br />

resource, controlling and public affair management.<br />

• identify important points of a successful management and draw improvements up.<br />

• use teamwork to present and defend solutions of real problems in front of a company's managers.<br />

Medienformen:<br />

Folien, Beamerpräsentation<br />

Literatur:<br />

Welge, M.K., Holtbrügge, D.: Internationales Management – Theorien, Funktionen, Fallstudien<br />

Schulte-Zurhausen, M.: Organisation<br />

<strong>Rechts</strong>- <strong>und</strong> <strong>Wirtschaftswissenschaften</strong> | Wirtschaftsinformatik | M.Sc. | Modulhandbuch 136

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