15.09.2022 Aufrufe

Campus Magazin Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg 22/23

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Anima (lat./ female: the spirit, the soul, the ghost)<br />

So, what is the spirit? What is the soul? Who is the ghost? As Animationsinstitut<br />

includes the word «anima» in its name, we should elaborate on<br />

these questions.<br />

And this can be tricky. Because it is easy to answer the question «Where is your<br />

nose?», but it is not so easy to answer the question «Where is your soul?». When we are<br />

talking about the spirit, the soul and the ghost, we are heading towards the invisible world.<br />

To craft this invisible world was and is the main task and the main duty for the students<br />

at the institute, I think.<br />

To address the complex issues related to the invisible world to the students, three terms<br />

have always been important to me: Relevance, intensity and originality.<br />

What is relevant? Everything we feel something for. That seems to be the most important<br />

thing: To be able to feel something. To be ready to share these feelings. We have to be able<br />

to cry, otherwise we won’t be able to make our audiences<br />

cry. And only if we are able to cry, we will be able to laugh,<br />

so we can make our audiences laugh. Most of all, we have<br />

to force ourselves to think in order to prepare the ground<br />

for our audiences to continue the thinking.<br />

What is intense? To be involved. Not to get bored. So, how<br />

can we take this chunk of coal and press it in a way it turns<br />

out to be a diamond? A lasting diamond. This has to be discussed<br />

individually, as ideas are individual, but here are a<br />

few simple guidelines: Keep it as short as possible. Don’t<br />

forget the sound. Leave space for the audiences. And learn<br />

to craft the silence.<br />

What is original? Basically everything that evokes an<br />

«Ooooh!» or an «Aaaaah!» How can we achieve this? First<br />

of all: Don’t bullshit yourself. Second: Don’t bullshit the audience.<br />

Third: Try to be specific. What makes your world,<br />

your spirits, your souls and your ghosts different from all<br />

the others? That is perhaps the most difficult task.<br />

Writing down these words is easy. Being devoted to them is tough. That is why the one<br />

sentence that stands above all the madness of creating animated projects, is: The person is<br />

more important than the project. We should never forget this.<br />

Prof. Andreas Hykade is the Head of the study specialization Animation Directing at the <strong>Filmakademie</strong><br />

<strong>Baden</strong>-Wuerttemberg's Animationsinstitut. The text is taken from the book 20 YEARS – 20 PROJECTS that was<br />

published on the occasion of the instutute´s 20 th birthday. Further information on the anniversary publication and<br />

celebrations are available on the following pages and on: www.animationsinstitut.de/20y20p.<br />

Prof. Andreas Hykade ist Leiter der Studienvertiefung Animation Directing des Animationsinstituts der<br />

<strong>Filmakademie</strong> <strong>Baden</strong>-<strong>Württemberg</strong>. Der Text stammt aus dem Buch 20 YEARS – 20 PROJECTS, das zum 20.<br />

Jubiläum der Gründung des Instituts erschienen ist. Weitere Information zu Festschrift und Jubiläum gibt es auf den<br />

folgenden Seiten sowie auf www.animationsinstitut.de/20y20p.<br />


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