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figured in a long series of monographs by Fucini (1919, 1920-35). Despite<br />

this thorough systematic work, however, much remains to be done to<br />

determine the stratigraphic range of the species and genera. Even the<br />

boundary between Domerian and Toarcian is in doubt; for all the fauna<br />

figured by Gemmellaro (1885) as of the Upper Lias is Domerian, while<br />

many of the Dactylioceratidae figured by Fucini (1935) as Domerian seem<br />

to be Toarcian. Unfortunately also, Fucini employed a taxonomic scale<br />

out of harmony with that of all other palaeontologists except Buckman,<br />

and a number of his genera represent no more than species; further, he<br />

erected many new genera without diagnosis or type species, so that it is<br />

difficult to determine which are valid nomenclaturally (see Vecchia, 1949;<br />

Haas, 1947; 1951). Fucini's plates suggest that these Sicilian faunas<br />

have a strong local element, but work by Dubar in Morocco and by<br />

Mouterde in Portugal has thrown important light on these successions.<br />


The best-known fauna of this age is from the beds with 'Terebratula'<br />

aspasia at Rocce Rosse, near Galati, in the province of Messina. The<br />

beds consist of compact grey limestone interbedded with marls and silts.<br />

They yield many Phylloceratids, especially Juraphyllitids, including the<br />

type-species of Juraphyllites (Rhacophyllites diopsis Gem.) and of Galaticeras<br />

('Amphiceras' harpoceraides Gem.), with interesting Polymorphitids,<br />

including the type species of Gemmellaroceras ('Aegoceras' aenigmaticum<br />

Gem.), with Tropidoceras, Eoderoceras, Lytoceratids and other genera<br />

(Gemmellaro, 1884). In the province of Palermo and probably elsewhere<br />

the so-called Terebratula (or Pygope) aspasia beds are later, Upper Pliensbachian,<br />

as shown by the ammonites figured (Gemmellaro, 1872-82,<br />

p. 53, pis. x-xii).<br />


These stages probably exist in most parts of the island except perhaps<br />

in the west, where it is difficult to separate them from the Trias. In the<br />

extreme east and extreme west they are represented by semi-crystalline<br />

limestones ranging in colour from black to white and often crowded with<br />

a neritic fauna of gastropods, pelecypods and brachiopods. They are<br />

best dated at Monte Casale (Rocca Busambra), province of Palermo,<br />

whence a wonderful fauna has been figured from a white marble-like<br />

crystalline limestone (Gemmellaro, 1872-82, p. 233 ff., pis. xxi-xxxi;<br />

gastropods revised by Fucini, 1913, which see for references to works on<br />

other groups). The ammonites (Gugenberger, 1936) represent the whole<br />

of the Hettangian and Sinemurian, from the Planorbis Zone to the<br />

Raricostatum Zone. Of 65 species recognized, Phylloceratids are in a<br />

large majority, both in species and individuals (43 per cent., 47 per cent.),<br />

followed by Lytoceratids (21 per cent., 20 per cent.) and Arietitids (20 per<br />

cent., 17 per cent.). The remainder includes Schlotheimiids, Psiloceratids,<br />

Eoderoceratids, and Tethyan Lytoceratina such as Ectocentrites, Pleuro-<br />


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