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<strong>Thursday</strong>, May 30, 2013<br />

S344 Vol. 45 No. 5 Supplement<br />

TrEaTMENT aNd OuTCOMEs:<br />

1) Referred to cardiology for further evaluation<br />

2) TEE completed- progressive MV prolapse/regurgitation with the development of<br />

pulmonary HTN, the player underwent MV annuloplasty.<br />

3) Repeat TTE 5 weeks status-post annuloplasty revealed normalization of PA<br />

pressures, resolved MV prolapse, but persistent mild-to-moderate MR.<br />

4) Player was not cleared for participation. He was asked to return for<br />

re-evaluation 12 weeks after surgery to allow for ring stabilization.<br />

D-60 Clinical Case Slide - Pediatric Issues<br />

May 30, 2013, 3:15 PM - 5:15 PM<br />

Room: 117<br />

1777 Chair: Nailah Coleman, FACSM. Phoebe Putney Memorial<br />

Hospital, Albany, GA.<br />

(No relationships reported)<br />

1778 discussant: Andrew Gregory, FACSM. Vanderbilt University,<br />

Nashville, TN.<br />

(No relationships reported)<br />

1779 discussant: Angela Smith, FACSM. Bryn Mawr, PA.<br />

(No relationships reported)<br />

1780 May 30, 3:15 PM - 3:35 PM<br />

head Injury In youth Football (FB) - a Case report<br />

Verle D. Valentine1 , Jason C. Dorman2 , Shanna L. Kindt2 ,<br />

Thayne A. Munce2 , Morgan M. Avery2 , Caitlin J. Pearl2 , Hannah<br />

K. Nelson2 , Tryg O. Odney2 , Michael F. Bergeron, FACSM2 .<br />

1 2 Sanford Health, Sioux Falls, SD. National Institute for Athletic<br />

Health & Performance, Sioux Falls, SD.<br />

(No relationships reported)<br />

hIsTOry: A 12-year-old FB running back presented about one hour after he was<br />

hit at nearly the same instant by two defenders while attempting to run the ball. Both<br />

hits involved helmet-to-helmet contact to the frontal area of his helmet and were the<br />

first head impacts he sustained during the game. The athlete was wearing a helmet<br />

instrumented with Riddell® HITSystem accelerometers at the time of the injury.<br />

There was no LOC, but he appeared dazed with poor balance and was removed from<br />

the game immediately. Symptoms included headache, fogginess, feeling slowed down,<br />

and dizziness. No history of previous head injury.<br />

PhysICaL EXaMINaTION:Patient was alert & oriented, answered questions<br />

slowly and appeared dazed. Cranial nerves were intact, and neck was non-tender with<br />

normal ROM. No focal neurological deficits were noted. No amnesia. Immediate<br />

memory and 5-minute recall were normal, however concentration was poor. King-<br />

Devick (K-D) testing and reaction time were slower than baseline. Postural stability<br />

was poor compared to baseline.<br />

PhysICaL EXaMINaTION:<br />

- Concussion<br />

- Intracranial bleed<br />

- Second-impact syndrome<br />

TEsT aNd rEsuLTs:<br />

- Helmet accelerometers: two simultaneous impacts (peak linear accelerations) of 52.4<br />

& 52.2 g’s.<br />

- ImPACT testing: abnormal at day 0, 2, 6 & 12; normal at day 20<br />

- Reaction time: abnormal at day 0, 2, 6 & 12; normal at day 20<br />

- K-D testing: abnormal at day 0, 2, 6 & 12; normal at day 20<br />

- Postural stability testing: abnormal at day 0, 2, 6 & 12; normal at day 20<br />

- NeuroCom® SOT scores: abnormal at day 2, 6 & 12; normal at day 20<br />

- Post Concussion Symptom Score: abnormal at day 0, 2, 6, 12 & 20.<br />

FINaL WOrKING dIaGNOsIs:<br />

Concussion from two simultaneous head impacts of moderate magnitude.<br />

TrEaTMENT aNd OuTCOMEs:<br />

Physical rest and cognitive rest were advised. He was gradually returned to school<br />

after one week with accommodations as symptoms improved. His testing scores and<br />

physical examination returned to normal after 20 days; however, symptoms persisted<br />

past four weeks.<br />

dIsCussION: These data are particularly unique in that the breadth of baseline,<br />

immediate post-concussion and recovery evaluations is extensive. Moreover, this is the<br />

first report of quantifiable head impact data leading to a concussion in youth football.<br />


1781 May 30, 3:35 PM - 3:55 PM<br />

subtle Wrist pain - dance<br />

Chae Ko, Kyle Cassas, FACSM. Steadman Hawkins Clinic of<br />

the Carolinas, Greenville, SC. (Sponsor: Delmas Bolin, FACSM)<br />

(No relationships reported)<br />

hIsTOry: 10 year old female dancer. She complains of pain and swelling to left<br />

wrist. This has been intermittent since 6 months ago with no known injury. She<br />

actively participates in dance and has been in competition. Five months ago, she<br />

experienced swelling. She does not have any history of rheumatologic disease but this<br />

does run in the family. Denies any fevers or redness. No other joint involvement. She<br />

reports pain primarily along the distal radius.<br />

PhysICaL EXaM: Hand/wrist exam: On examination there is soft tissue swelling<br />

involving the left wrist. Her range of motion is limited because of pain. Pain with full<br />

pronation and supination. There is warmth but no erythema. She does have diffuse<br />

tenderness along the left wrist but no focal area that seems to be the most painful. She<br />

is neurovascularly intact. No other joint involvement.<br />

General exam is negative<br />


1. Distal radius physeal injury<br />

2. Rheumatologic disease<br />

3. Leukemia (Acute lymphocytic leukemia)<br />

4. Post-infectious arthritis<br />

5. Septic arthritis<br />

6. Lyme disease<br />

7. Behcet Syndrome<br />

8. SLE<br />

TEsTs aNd rEsuLTs:<br />

1. CBC with diff (Heme Profile with diff, HP with diff) neg<br />

2. Sed Rate (ESR) 12<br />

3. CRP Non Cardiac (C Reactive Protein) 2.8<br />

4. Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA), reflex to titer positive (1:160)<br />

5. Rheumatoid Factor (RA Factor, RF Factor) neg<br />

6. ASO Quantitative (ASO Screen, Anti-streptolysin O Ab), serum neg<br />

7. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP, CMET) neg<br />

8. Lyme Disease AB Total w/reflex Western Blot neg<br />

9. Hep B Core IgM ab neg<br />

10. Hep B surf Ag neg<br />

11. Hep A IgM ab neg<br />

12. Hep C IgG ab neg<br />

13. HLA B27 neg<br />

14. Native DNA ab neg<br />

IMAGING:<br />

Xrays of AP, oblique, and lateral of left wrist is negative<br />

MRI left wrist:<br />

Swelling to radiocarpal joint space. Inflammation along dorsum of wrist and proximaly<br />

along distal radius. Subarticular bone marrow edema of scaphoid, lunate, and radial<br />

epiphysis. Tenosynovitis of 2 nd -5 th extensor compartments. Mild tenosynovitis of flexor<br />

tendons. Preserved articular cartilage. Sever/active inflammatory arthropathy, likely<br />

juvenile idiopathic arthropathy.<br />

FINaL/WOrKING dIaGNOsIs:<br />

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis<br />

TrEaTMENT aNd OuTCOME:<br />

1. Immobilization and bracing for protection<br />

2. Physical Therapy<br />

3. Naprosyn BID<br />

4. Pediatric rheumatology referral<br />

5. Methotrexate 15mg PO q week<br />

6. Follow up with pediatric rheumatology<br />

ACSM May 28 - June 1, 2013 Indianapolis, Indiana

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