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<strong>Thursday</strong>, May 30, 2013<br />

S264 Vol. 45 No. 5 Supplement<br />

•lumbar bracing<br />

•follow-up evaluations<br />

•physical therapy<br />

3.surgical outcomes<br />

•back pain 6-months post-surgery: a short course of NSAIDs resolved all symptoms<br />

•patient is free from back pain, uses no pain medications, and playing in the LPGA tour<br />

1390 May 30, 2:00 PM - 2:20 PM<br />

Tingling and Weakness - Gymnastics<br />

Nailah Coleman, FACSM. Children’s National Medical Center,<br />

Washington, DC.<br />

(No relationships reported)<br />

hIsTOry: 16 y/o gymnast presented with sharp right patellar tendon pain and midlower<br />

back pain after two separate vault injuries within the prior two weeks. Her pain<br />

was exacerbated by movement and use of her knee and back. She denied sedentary<br />

pain, sleep disturbance, or bowel-bladder insufficiency. She noted atraumatic “pins and<br />

needles” on her right dorsal hand over the past five days but denied neck, elbow, or jaw<br />

pain or injury.<br />

Her past medical and surgical histories were unremarkable.<br />

Her only medicine was Aleve. She had no known allergies.<br />

Exam: she was WDWN in NAD. She had symmetric appearance of her extremities<br />

and a minimal curvature of her spine. She had a normal gait and was able to heel, toe,<br />

and duck walk. She was nontender to palpation. She had full motion of her trunk and<br />

extremities but pain with lumbar extension. Strength, sensation, and neurovascular<br />

status were intact and symmetric, except for 4+/5 strength in the right upper extremity.<br />

She had right hand cramping with elevated arm stress test and right shoulder pain with<br />

empty can, O’Brien’s test, and Speed’s test.<br />

PhysICaL EXaMINaTION:<br />

•Spinal cord lesion<br />

•Nerve root compression<br />

•Peripheral nerve disease<br />

•Patellar tendinitis<br />

•Spondylolysis<br />

•Back strain<br />

TEsTs aNd rEsuLTs<br />

X-rays<br />

•Cervical spine with oblique views: increased transverse processes<br />

•Scoliosis views: minimal curvature<br />

•Lumbar spine with oblique views: normal<br />

•Shoulder: normal<br />

•Knee: normal<br />

MRI<br />

•Spine: a lesion at C4-C5 measuring 5 mm (width) x 15 mm (cranial-caudal) with mild<br />

enhancement, which could signal a demyelinating process, tumor, or trauma.<br />

•Brain: findings suggestive of volume loss without evidence of gliosis or<br />

demyelination process.<br />

Final Working Diagnosis: transverse myelitis<br />

TrEaTMENT aNd OuTCOMEs<br />

•Urgently seen by Neurology and admitted from clinic with a progressively<br />

symptomatic exam, including hyperreflexia and clonus.<br />

•CSF and serum studies for infectious and rheumatologic diseases were normal, except<br />

for an elevated ANA. A definitive etiology has not been found.<br />

•She was given a three-day course of methylprednisolone and responded well.<br />

•She was discharged home with plans for Neuro-Ophthalmology, PM&R, and repeat<br />

imaging.<br />

•New studies are pending.<br />

1391 May 30, 2:20 PM - 2:40 PM<br />

acute Back Pain-Football<br />

Tom W. Bartsokas, FACSM. Summa Orthopaedics & Sports<br />

Medicine, Streetsboro, OH.<br />

(No relationships reported)<br />

hIsTOry: 13-yo male sustained direct blow to right lumbar area from helmet.<br />

Pain progressed over next 2 days, was constant, rated 9/10 at worst and 6/10 at least,<br />

radiated from right LB to right knee, and was associated with severe loss of spinal<br />

motion. Denied changes in bowel/bladder control, hematuria, weakness, previous<br />

episodes of LBP.<br />

PhysICaL EXaMINaTION: Standing exam revealed neutral spinal alignment.<br />

AROM: moderate restriction to flexion; severe restriction to extension (caused<br />

severe right LBP); severe restriction to right sidebending; moderate restriction to left<br />

sidebending; moderate restrictions to rotation bilateral. Gait was slightly antalgic<br />

secondary to back pain. 4+ TTP over right lumbar paraspinals, which had moderately<br />

increased tonus. No TTP at midline, SI joints, sciatic notches bilateral. DTR’s 2/4.<br />

PhysICaL EXaMINaTION: Lumbar contusion, Spondylolysis, Facet syndrome,<br />

Fracture (spinous process, transverse process, pedicle, vertebral body), Lumbar disc<br />

displacement<br />

TEsT aNd rEsuLTs: X-rays of lumbar spine: 5 lumbar vertebrae in normal<br />


alignment. Slerotic line at right L5 pars interarticularis. No other suggestive evidence<br />

for fractures. Lumbar MRI scan: nondisplaced right L2 transverse process fracture,<br />

bone marrow edema at right L3 & L4 transverse processes.<br />

FINaL WOrKING dIaGNOsIs: Right L2 transverse process fracture<br />

TrEaTMENT aNd OuTCOMEs: First visit: TLSO brace 23 hours/day and<br />

withheld from sports/PE. Second visit: Feeling better, walking normally, throwing<br />

football without pain; continue brace use when up and rest for another 3 weeks. Third<br />

visit: Released to full activity 4.5 weeks after injury.<br />

D-19 Clinical Case Slide - Football I<br />

May 30, 2013, 1:00 PM - 2:40 PM<br />

Room: 117<br />

1392 Chair: Jeffrey M. Anderson, FACSM. Univ. of Connecticut,<br />

Storrs, CT.<br />

(No relationships reported)<br />

1393 discussant: Bryan Wiley. Rancho Cucamonga, CA.<br />

(No relationships reported)<br />

1394 discussant: Aaron Rubin, FACSM. Kaiser Permanente Sports<br />

Medicine Program, Fontana, CA.<br />

(No relationships reported)<br />

1395 May 30, 1:00 PM - 1:20 PM<br />

recurrent deep Vein Thrombosis - Football<br />

Dale C. Gold. University of Colorado, Littleton, CO. (Sponsor:<br />

Tod Sweeney, FACSM)<br />

(No relationships reported)<br />

hIsTOry: 18 year old high school football player presented with right upper<br />

extremity pain and swelling. He reported no injury to the area other than normal hits<br />

playing football. He reported recent heavy weight lifting. Ultrasound showed a right<br />

axillary DVT. Hypercoagulable workup was negative. He was treated with 6 months<br />

of warfarin therapy then cleared for athletic participation. In May 2010 the patient<br />

resumed weight lifting after a four month break and presented with pain and swelling<br />

of the right arm. Ultrasound showed a right subclavian DVT. He was restarted on<br />

warfarin and evaluated by vascular surgery in February 2011. A venogram performed<br />

April 2011 showed no acute clots. He was determined a non-surgical candidate due to<br />

the chronic nature of the occlusion. In June 2011, Warfarin was discontinued and low<br />

dose aspirin was started. In October 2011, patient presented with right arm swelling<br />

and pain after 2 weeks of lifting. Ultrasound showed an axillary vein DVT. Patient<br />

restarted on warfarin. Between acute episodes the patient had stable mild edema of the<br />

right arm after lifting, occasional bluish discoloration of the right upper extremity, and<br />

occasional pain in his right shoulder and neck.<br />

PysICaL EXaMINaTION: Examination when presenting with acute complaints<br />

reveal:<br />

5/10: Right arm notably swollen compared to left, 2+ radial pulses bilaterally<br />

10/11: subtle swelling of the right dorsal hand<br />

PhysICaL EXaMINaTION:<br />

1. Paget-Schroetter Syndrome:<br />

- Increased muscle mass/impingement of vein by musculature of dominant arm<br />

- Cervical rib<br />

2. Hypercoagulable state<br />

3. Cervical Radiculopathy<br />

TEsT aNd rEsuLTs:<br />

Hypercoagulable workup:<br />

- Negative Factor V, Factor II DNA mutation, anticardiolipin antibodies, homocysteine<br />

level, protein C & S<br />

IMaGING:<br />

4/08: US: thrombus right axillary vein<br />

8/08: CTPE negative<br />

11/08: US: no thrombus<br />

5/10: US: thrombus right subclavian vein<br />

2/11: US: no thrombus<br />

4/11: Venogram: chronic occlusion of right subclavian vein at level of thoracic inlet<br />

with mature appearing collaterals.<br />

10/11: US: thrombus right axillary vein<br />

FINaL/WOrKING dIaGNOsIs:<br />

Paget-Schroetter Syndrome due to venous impingement by musculature of dominant<br />

arm.<br />


1. Chronic Warfarin therapy<br />

2. Modified activity while on warfarin<br />

3. Repeat Surgical Evaluation<br />

ACSM May 28 - June 1, 2013 Indianapolis, Indiana

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