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<strong>Thursday</strong>, May 30, 2013<br />

S272 Vol. 45 No. 5 Supplement<br />

1425 Board #17 May 30, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM<br />

Pedometer-determined Physical activity Patterns in adults<br />

with Mild Intellectual disabilities<br />

Sharon Hsu1 , Bo Fernhall, FACSM2 , Stanley Hui, FACSM3 ,<br />

James Halle4 . 1California State University, Northridge,<br />

Northridge, CA. 2University of Illinois, Chicago, Chicago,<br />

IL. 3Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong.<br />

4University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL.<br />

(No relationships reported)<br />

The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity is a worldwide problem. Regular<br />

physical activity participation is a determinant to reverse the obesity epidemic and a<br />

key element in health promotion.<br />

PurPOsE: The purpose of this study was to investigate pedometer-determined<br />

physical activity patterns in adults with mild intellectual disabilities (MID).<br />

METhOds: A sample of 120 adults with MID (Age: M = 26.6 ±8.8) in Taiwan<br />

participated in this study. Among those participants, 52.5% were males, 31.7% lived in<br />

cities, 77.5% lived with their families, 64.2% were employed; 65% had a high school<br />

diploma, and 56.7% were overweight or obese (OW/OB; BMI, M = 23.95±4.28). Step<br />

count data were gathered using Yamax DigiWalker SW-200 pedometers from each<br />

participant for 7 consecutive days.<br />

rEsuLTs: Participants walked an average of 8868 steps per day (±4830). They had<br />

significantly higher step counts (t119 = 5.195, p

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