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Appendix XVII. In-tube condensation with normal breathing and<br />

deep breathing induced fluctuation under conditions of 9cmH2O<br />

without reverse flow<br />

Figure XVII. 1 In-tube condensation with normal breathing and deep breathing added fluctuating<br />

flows under conditions of 9cmH2O 45°C 0W 20°C&50%<br />

Figure XVII. 1 shows the average condensation rates under normal breathing<br />

fluctuating flow and deep breathing fluctuating flow. It can be seen that basically the<br />

deep breathing curve stays close to the normal breathing one. The explanation based on<br />

instantaneous condensation/evaporation is as follow:<br />

The graphs below show the condensation/evaporation rates of normal breathing and<br />

deep breathing and support the explanation above. In these graphs, when the curve is<br />

below X-axial, it means there is condensation occurring. If the curve is above X-axial, it<br />

means the airflow has a vaporization potentiality. The algebraic sum of the negative and<br />

positive areas between the curve and the X-axial over a breath cycle is the net amount of<br />

condensation/evaporation occurred in the time span. This sum of area is defined as the<br />

net area. It can be seen from the deep breathing condensation/evaporation graph that the<br />

condensation/evaporation rate fluctuates widely. However the net area is almost the<br />

same as that of the normal breathing. This explains why the two curves are close to each<br />

other.<br />


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