Job Instruction Manual - Training Within Industry Service

Job Instruction Manual - Training Within Industry Service

Job Instruction Manual - Training Within Industry Service


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The use of this material in the<br />

<strong>Training</strong> Sessions is indicated by<br />

the marginal reference numbers.<br />

The following material is prepared as a supplement to the information<br />

provided in the Sessiom Outline. These illustrations and additional<br />

points are desirable to use to AMPLIFY and CLARIFY items in the Sessions<br />

Outline. Illustrations and stories of your own dealing with PRACTICAL<br />

APPLICATION of items presented are very desirable. XQ item in the out-<br />

line is to be omitted or changed, however. Amplification and illustration<br />

of such items OFJLY are in order.<br />

Establishing an ini'or.%s: atmosph~re and putting a group of people at<br />

ease cannot be acconplishedbysimply~iakingastatementthattheybe aksase.<br />

The nen5e~s of )our group are apt to be uneasy meatally and sonewhat<br />

concerned as to why they are present. In many cases they probably were<br />

assigned to attend the meeting. They did not volunteer.<br />

The personal impression that ycu make during the first 5 o r 10 minutes<br />

is a big factor because if it is favorable it makes the work easier to carry<br />

on. If it is unfavorable, you must nake c32siderable effort later to over-<br />

czxo this izpression .<br />

Lei. the manner of ymr delivery, your tone of voice show clearly that<br />

goc are in earnest, that yo3 feel strongly about the impor-tance of the work,<br />

and that yo2 fully respect the present knowledge and experience of the group.<br />

Here are some ideas from which you can work out the opening talk.<br />

1. Establish your own industrial background by briefly relating<br />

your own industrial connection-if this is done while writing or<br />

printing your own name on the blackboard, you can set a pattern<br />

which each will naturally follow.<br />

- Have each man then relate his own connection briefly, not so<br />

much to get the informa,tion, but to set him at ezse since it is<br />

something that he can do correctly and easily.<br />

- Have eachmanprinthis nameanddepartment (or company, if several<br />

companies are represented) on a card which is placed before him<br />

at his position.<br />

- You can claim that your own inability to remember names makes<br />

this effort on their part a favor to you in conducting your work.

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