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the fact that the question of the Olympic endeavour and the development<br />

of sports throughout the world has the fault that from the outset<br />

it has been given a wrong orientation. The four yearly so called Olympic<br />

Games give us the great athletic prototypes, which we use as the ideal<br />

models for copying, or as powerful magnets which will sway as many<br />

youths as possible towards sports. Probably all the youth which will<br />

foregather will not reach Olympic standards, yet the benefit they will<br />

derive therefrom will be enormous, in relation to the endeavours they<br />

will make, and perhaps this endeavour will become for them a life target<br />

for them to face a similar competitive disposition in the other manifestations<br />

of life. Since in this youthful age the secret hope of becoming<br />

Olympic victors will guide them and in the meantime if this secret<br />

hope were not to be realised they will have been educated in the fine<br />

principles of competition and will have devoted themselves in persistance,<br />

in endurance, in courage and in patience, and will thus have<br />

been created into useful members of society or assured an honest livelihood.<br />

I am afraid, however, that in many cases where a great endeavour<br />

is made for the spreading of athletics, especially with the aid of substantial<br />

state financial assistance, the correct orientation has been turned<br />

around. We have examples which convince us that the special endeavour<br />

of foregathering youth of the most tender ages, with the sole objective<br />

of discovering young persons with talents, who, after special and long<br />

term cultivation, they attempt to push towards great achievements,<br />

so that at every competiton, at any sacrifice, distinction or the obtaining<br />

of a victory can be assured for the national colours. That is to say<br />

the precise opposite of what is proper happens. Many are utilised for<br />

the very few to be chosen, whereas the basic Olympic viewpoint is that<br />

the few with talents should serve as examples to draw the interest of<br />

the many towards sports. As for the distribution of funds and the disposition<br />

of means more or less the same thing happens. I believe that<br />

proportionately the expenses for the perfection of the few is very great,<br />

and very few funds are apportioned for the assurance of training or<br />

entertainment of the many. A similar disproportionate analogy is noticed<br />

in the endeavours made by all relative factors in obtaining interest.<br />

Gigantic financial enterprises maintain small groups or a few great<br />

champions, whereas on the contrary very few give their attention to<br />

the formation of means or the securing of conditions for the great majority<br />

to be able to exercise during its leisure hours.<br />

A fateful consequence of this misunderstood sports activity is that<br />

of the symptoms of ailment of the Olympic ideology.<br />

In contemporary sport circles there are those who make their ap-<br />


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