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different dates, and, to be precise, on the 2nd and the 3rd of Xandicus<br />

month of the year 257 B.C., and with different annotations, to wit:<br />

"concerning Pyrrhus", "concerning the bedding", "concerning the boy"<br />

The three versions are characterised by their definitely cultivated<br />

language, drawn up in a service style, which shows that the writer was<br />

not only a cultivated man but probably a higher official such as the<br />

manager of the Palaestra of Alexandria. The two most detailed references<br />

deal with two partial subjects: first the report dealing with the<br />

achievements of the boy Pyrrhus and secondly with the request that<br />

certain requirements should be sent to him. The third matter set out is<br />

on the contrary confirmed only to the last request: the young man is<br />

in urgent need of a bathing costume, a goat or calf hide, underwear<br />

and clothes, bedding including a pillow and two pots of honey.<br />

In the London text a packing case is also suggested: "Buy a case<br />

for six drachmas". The other two versions finish almost word for word.<br />

"It may seem strange to you that I forgot that all these objects are<br />

subject to taxation. I know it well. Yet you are a man who knows how<br />

to find the means for the despatch to pass without difficulties".<br />

It would seem, therefore, that even the gymnasia did not escape<br />

the detailed tax system of the State of the Ptolemies, always of course<br />

with the understandable proviso of avoiding it, especally by people who<br />

formed, even indirectly, part of the court staff.<br />

The main objective of the letter of Hierocles is, however, other. He<br />

wishes to dispel the anxieties of Zeno regarding the progress of his protégé<br />

Pyrrhus. In this Hierocles asserts every endeavour: "The young<br />

man justifies the best hopes. His achievements in training are so good,<br />

that they do not fall behind those of most of his companions in spite of<br />

the fact that they have been students for a much longer time. Regarding<br />

final succès only the Gods can foretell, yet in accordance with human<br />

judgement and the assurances of the coach Ptolemy, all will go well.<br />

"Your fears that the expenses are purposeless and that the youth will<br />

lag behind in his intellectual education, I can dispel. He is also advancing<br />

well in the other spheres of education".<br />

And he follows it up with the supporting assurance for the whole<br />

matter in both texts-though not with the identical expressions - the<br />

promise, the assurance to Zeno - "You will be crowned".Anyhow it is a<br />

noteworthy letter, full of personal interest, strong in educational confidence<br />

and imbued with the contemporary pride so well known to us,<br />


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