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exercises from their standpoint and thereby strengthen the belief in an<br />

independent science of physical education within the realm of physical<br />

education teachers. Especially the pedagogues must be mentioned, who<br />

are closely connected with physical education because of their being<br />

occupied with education themselves, the psychologists, who rightly<br />

realized the social values of physical education, the antropologists, the<br />

folklorists, and many more. The medical science, which by its nature<br />

is connected with physical exercises must not be forgotten. Physicians<br />

have always proclaimed the immense importance of physical exercises<br />

for the preservation of health. Physical education teachers are conscious<br />

of the fact that only a close cooperation with the representatives of the<br />

sciences of man can create and consolidate a new science of physical<br />

education.<br />


Above all, modern physical education is characterized by its extensive<br />

theory. Experience alone no longer suffices today. The theory of<br />

physical education comprises the following fields:<br />

1. THE HISTORY of physical education, which in our time is exami<br />

ned and presented anew. Modern historical inquiry goes beyond a mere<br />

enumeration of events. It investigates the question "why" and draws<br />

comparisons. The history of physical education has a place in the hi<br />

story of civilization.From the works published in various languages and<br />

representing the complete history of physical education, special attent<br />

ion must be called to a work by "the greatest physical education teach<br />

er of our time", Dr. Carl DIEM (who died in Cologne Dec. 17, 1962):<br />


indica<br />

tes the particularities of physical education of the individual peoples<br />

as well as that which is common to all nations and countries.<br />

2. The ONTOLOGY, the THEORY OF THE VALUES of physical edu<br />

cation. It discloses the meaning, the essence, the spiritual and interior<br />

values of physical education; it gives a basis for the idea of physical<br />

education and elaborates the theory of physical education. The on<br />

tology will also comprise phenomenology, philosophy, phsychology,<br />

sociology and pedagogy. Useful standard editions in all the world<br />

languages are at everyone's disposal. A comparative inspection of these<br />

works would be worth the trouble and deepen the theory of physical<br />

education.<br />


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