Single-Particle Electrodynamics - Assassination Science

Single-Particle Electrodynamics - Assassination Science

Single-Particle Electrodynamics - Assassination Science


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where the convenient constant η 1 will play a significant rôle in Chapter 6.<br />

This contribution to (or “renormalisation of”) the mass is, for a point particle,<br />

infinite; in the classical theory, one must assume that there are other<br />

(non-electromagnetic) contributions to the mass of the body that approach<br />

minus infinity in the point limit, leaving a finite mass overall.<br />

5.5.9 Electric dipole mechanical field properties<br />

For a body possessing an electric dipole moment only, we again find that the<br />

mechanical self-momentum and mechanical angular self-momentum vanish<br />

identically. From (5.83) and (5.94), its mechanical self-energy is given by<br />

m d e.m. = 1 2<br />

∫<br />

d 3 r<br />

rε 16π 2 r 6<br />

≡ 1 2 d 2 η ′ 3, (5.98)<br />

where the convenient constant η ′ 3 will again play a significant rôle in Chapter<br />

6.<br />

Again, (5.98) represents an infinite renormalisation of the mass of the<br />

body in the point limit.<br />

5.5.10 Magnetic dipole mechanical field properties<br />

For a body possessing a magnetic dipole moment only, we again find vanishing<br />

mechanical self-momentum and mechanical angular self-momentum. Of<br />

importance is the fact that the mechanical self-energy is not equivalent to<br />

the electric dipole case, since the contribution from the internal field is four<br />

times as large (since the magnitude of the internal field is twice that of the<br />

electric case, due to the addition of the extra Maxwell magnetic field B µ M).<br />


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