Single-Particle Electrodynamics - Assassination Science

Single-Particle Electrodynamics - Assassination Science

Single-Particle Electrodynamics - Assassination Science


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twice, then it clearly will not do to form a single expectation value using the<br />

spinor |ψ〉; rather, we should expect two expectation values to appear. Since<br />

the two cross-producted factors in (6.160) each involve µ once, it may be<br />

reasonable to guess that the expectations should be placed around each of<br />

these factors separately:<br />

d t 〈ψ|σ|ψ〉 = ? 〈ψ|σ|ψ〉×〈ψ|Ω RR |ψ〉 . (6.163)<br />

Using the expression (6.161) for Ω RR , and (6.150) for ˙σ, in (6.163), we then<br />

have<br />

d t 〈ψ|σ|ψ〉 = ? − 2 µ 2 ) µB 3<br />

〈ψ|σ|ψ〉×<br />

3 4πs( ( 〈ψ|σ|ψ〉×<br />

s<br />

ˆB ) . (6.164)<br />

The guessed equation of motion (6.164) is, of course, equivalent to the classical<br />

result (6.151), with the standard connection<br />

σ classical ←→ 〈ψ|σ|ψ〉 ,<br />

and will hence lead to the hyperbolic tangent dependence of the polarisation<br />

equation (6.154).<br />

So far, we have not changed the net results at all: by going to the<br />

first-quantised theory, we still have the same classical radiation reaction behaviour.<br />

We now take due note of the second quantisation of the photon<br />

field. The most important feature that this introduces is that the interaction<br />

leading to (6.164) must satisfy conservation of energy, momentum and<br />

angular momentum. Since the photon has spin ¯h, the interaction must, to<br />

satisfy conservation of angular momentum, flip the spin of the particle. As<br />

it stands, however, the expression (6.164) assumes the radiation reaction to<br />

be brought about by the continuous emission of radiation: it calculates the<br />

matrix element from any given state to the same state (or one infinitesimally<br />

close to it). Thus, to include the effects of the quantisation of the photon, we<br />

need to insert spin-flipped states into (6.164); the resulting transition probability<br />

is then given by the correct formula (6.139). The additional factor of<br />


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