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Drug-free ethos<br />


e rampant use of muscle-building drugs is the worst calamity that has<br />

ever hit the training world. Drugs have produced dishonesty of untold proportions.<br />

e first casualty of drug use is the truth.<br />

Some bodybuilders and strength athletes who only got to the top because<br />

they had drug assistance are still claiming that they never took chemicals.<br />

Usually they are dishonest because they are ashamed of their drug use, and<br />

do not want to tarnish their clean public images. And some even promote<br />

the charade that they were hard gainers.<br />

While the harm to health that the chemicals have wreaked is a huge problem,<br />

as are the criminal implications of illegal drug use, these are nothing<br />

relative to the immeasurable harm done to the drug-free training masses.<br />

Rampant but generally secretive drug use since the early sixties, when steroid<br />

use really took off, led to drug-assisted training methods being promoted<br />

as suitable even for the drug-free training masses. is produced the<br />

almost universal belief that these training methods are the ones for everyone<br />

to follow.<br />

But these conventional training methods do not work for drug-free genetically<br />

typical trainees. Because these training methods are so unproductive,<br />

most people are quickly propelled into the well of frustration and disappointment.<br />

To make conventional routines work very well, harmful anabolic chemicals<br />

usually need to be used. Dissatisfied bodybuilders looking for quick fixes to<br />

their training frustrations and disappointments have produced huge markets<br />

for drug pushers. But the drug route is not the only solution for training<br />

woes!<br />

If people would train on routines like those promoted in this book they<br />

would get results that would astound them. ey would not experience<br />

the frustration and disappointment that are usually standard when using<br />

conventional training routines. en they would not feel pressured to take<br />

dangerous drugs in order to make their training work.<br />

Abbreviated training routines need to be combined with the candid understanding<br />

that out-of-this-world strength and muscular development are<br />

only possible for genetic phenomena. en ultimate expectations will be<br />


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